Monday, December 30, 2019

Valuables Traditions Rites of passage - 624 Words

In a BBC article, Dr. Janssen, a sociologist, asserts, â€Å"People thought rituals were fixed and never hanged but of course they do†¦they get reinterpreted all the time† (Smith-Spark). Unfortunately, the changes referred to in these quotes are for the worse. Almost all cultures have rites of passage that evolve over time, and these have become harmful to their culture and society. After establishing the difference between helpful and harmful rites of passage, it will be easy to see why they need to be changed. Once these factors have been analyzed, it will be obvious that rites of passage are culturally important, but those that have crossed the line of appropriateness should be modified to restore the benefits of these valuable traditions. Rites of passage that inspire positive change can lead to substantial benefits, and are necessary in our world. An example of a religious rite of passage that has major benefits is the Bar Mitzvah. In preparation for the ceremony, I learned to recite many prayers, how to read part of the Torah, and more about myself as a person and Jew. In this transition, the ceremony is not where the actual transition takes place, but the celebration of going through the change and the recitation of what one has learned and done in the process. Major transitions do not take place instantaneously, they gradually occur. Bar Mitzvahs are very beneficial rites of passage, because of how they evoke positive change from adolescent Jews who want to express theirShow MoreRelatedBreaking the Disney Spell2039 Words   |  9 Pagesaddresses many issues, including those of context, society, and alteration of plot. He accuses Walt Disney of attacking the literary tradition of the fairy tale (344). While many s cholars disagree with Zipes accusations, his essay makes very solid and well-presented points that he promptly backs with fact. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay The Insufficiency of Honesty - 621 Words

Stephen L. Carter links integrity and honesty. There are three constraints discussed in this essay. First, integrity does require a degree of moral reflectiveness. Second, Integrity may cause conflict that is must be resolved. It does not necessarily produce or protect interpersonal harmony. Third, a person who has integrity can be trusted. It does not avoid the restructuring of social structures and associations, because it leaves the matter to exercise of interpersonal authority. He states that one cannot have integrity without being honest but one can certainly be honest yet have little integrity. He also states that honesty can actually be used quite selfishly. In fact, there are key differences between honesty and integrity: Honesty†¦show more content†¦For example, a manager was taught his whole life that women arent as smart as men. So he gives his female employees tasks that he believes theyll be more apt to apply themselves. Although hes being true to his beliefs, he fails to take responsibility as an equitable manager and as a representative of his company. He is not a person of integrity although he is honest. Honesty without integrity can also lead to moral disasters. Well, honesty may be important but not sufficient for integrity. Integrity is both essential and significant. It is acceptable and one will agree with what Stephen L. Carter says about a person having honesty but not integrity. There are also some white lies present. Sometimes saying the truth or telling everything you know might hurt somebody. Harm may not be the intention but positively the effect. Carter also speaks of an â€Å"American Core† that has six values necessary for good character: Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, and citizenship. He believes that honesty is honored too highly which allows one to escape from responsibilities. Integrity does not permit easy escape. In Conclusion, absolving one’s self can be done out of self-interest. It could be just a matter of choice that the awareness of dishonesty and honesty both tie into integrity depending upon individual interpretations. We can agree thatShow MoreRelatedOver the Rainbow1681 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowing reflects the correct use of the colon? At the beginning of his essay â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: â€Å"discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.† At the beginning of his essay: â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity, â€Å"discerning what is rightRead MoreThe Parable Of The Sadhu Short Story879 Words   |  4 PagesIntegrity in â€Å"The Parable of the Sadhu† Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. People always associated integrity with only honesty; however, honesty is not equal to integrity. One can be honest and yet still lacking in integrity. In â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen L. Carter claims that integrity requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly thatRead MoreStephen Carter The Inssufficiency Of Honesty Summary1052 Words   |  5 PagesIntegrity and honesty are often thought to coincide: many people believe that is true. Author Stephen L. Carter wrote â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty†, which was published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1996. He argues that a person can have honesty without ever reflecting back on whether or not what they believe is necessarily true, which is not exactly integrity. Carter builds his credibility in his writing by stating that he was giving a university commencement address, citing statistics and using prominentRead MoreCaos and Crime in the The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 849 Words   |  4 Pagesmistakenly believing their lives revolve around social boundaries. This in turn causes the demise of humanity. Therefore, in the Great Gatsby the disintegration of modern society and culture can be seen through the deficiency of religion, commitment, and honesty. The lack of virtues in the story can first be seen by the character’s lack of faith. In Fitzgerald’s book, society is in chaos, and crime is everywhere. They have turned away from a deity and have embraced lavish lifestyles. George Wilson embodiesRead MoreTheme Of Honesty In Young Goodman Brown1912 Words   |  8 Pageswas altered completely, depicting the weakness of public morality as well as how societal pressures lead to such a strong fear of judgment that even the best of men can lose sight of who they are. In his work, â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen Carter draws the line between honesty and integrity, demonstrating through numerous scenarios how one could live life with integrity, using lies to preserve this integrity rather than destroy it. Although it may seem to conflict with one’s moral code,Read MoreBusiness Concept Of The Caravan Cafe Essay1706 Words   |  7 Pagesand other things. 2. BUSINESS CONCEPT 2.1 OVERVIEW Being the first mobile cafà © in Tagum City Philippines, equipped with a coffee machine and vending food products like pastries could be an enjoyable and amazing experience to everyone. The insufficiency of services and too little time in working will give the potential and strength to be in action on a 24/7 resting place, where the caravan cafà © will run the business inside the school campus between 7am to 6:30pm and continue to operate in theRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases882 Words   |  4 Pagescause diabetes, but scientists believe genes and environmental factors interact to cause diabetes in most cases. (p. 1) There are two main types of diabetes, there is type 1 diabetes (DM1) and type 2 diabetes (DM2). Type 1 diabetes refers to an insufficiency of insulin due to damaged insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, and it commonly occurs in children and young adults. In contrast, type 2 diabetes is more common than DM1; it develops when the body cannot produce enough insulin and does not useRead MoreDebriefing Simulation As A Reflective Tool1034 Words   |  5 Pagesreflective class (Stirling, 2015). Stirling (2015) found the negative perception of students that occurred in reflective classes; lack of time to reflect in classrooms, controlling students’ freedom to use a reflection model by educators, and insufficiency preparing a class of educators. Last, lack of experience and lack of preparation to integrate reflection into classrooms of educators were one of unsuccessful factors (Horton-Deutsch Sherwood, 2008). According to Enuku and Evawoma-Enyku’s studyRead MoreThe Par able Of The Sadhu1113 Words   |  5 Pageshim some of their extra clothes, and after that he had gone ahead. Should he have done more? People aspire to be certain things, integrity being one of those qualities that make a person a pleasure to be around. Stephen Carter wrote, The Insufficiency of Honesty, and in it he talks about integrity and what it takes to have integrity. One could question whether McCoy’s actions would mean he has integrity. In Carter’s article he talks about the steps to integrity. The first is knowing right fromRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1045 Words   |  5 Pagesloyal to her after five years separated, and symbolized her as everything he values. Without Daisy, Gatsby’s life was incoherent. Both men displayed chivalry for their woman as their way to display their love for them. However, their ideology of honesty and love were only illusions that blinded Gatsby and Wilson. A flashback in chapter six describes Gatsby’s first kiss with Daisy. The kiss is a salient moment for Gatsby since he discovered his true love for Daisy. His heart beat faster and faster

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Psychological Contract and Its Application Free Essays

The Psychological Contract and its application The psychological contract and its application After the first descriptions and definitions of psychological contract 1960s, a great number of experts show their opinions on this topic and discuss with each other. The widely acknowledged definition of psychological contract may be in Michaei Armstrong’s book, the human resource management practice(10th Ed. 2006,cited in business ball):`†¦the employment relationship consist of a unique combination of beliefs held by an individual and his employer about what they expect of one another†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ In other words, it briefly means the relationship between employers and employees in terms of mutual expectations and beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on The Psychological Contract and Its Application or any similar topic only for you Order Now This essay aims to begin with giving different ideas on psychological contract from different dimensions, and then analyze the situation of such contract at present, at last, prospect the application of this contract in the 21st century. As a whole, there experts: Edgar Schein, DM Rousseau and KA Wade-Benzoni, PR Sparrow give their opinion respectively. As Schein (Schein, 1965, cited in business ball) states that the psychological contract is a relationship between all members in one organization by using an unwritten contract. This statement highlights the earlier ideas on the concept. Then, RousseauWade-Benzoni got other different opinions in the relationship between employers and employees . e (RousseauWade-Benzoni, 1994, cited in business ball) claims that psychological contracts means how different people in the same organization understand the promises and commitments. Later, Sparrow (PR Sparrow, 1999, cited in business ball) who notice the dynamic quality, social and emotional factors of the psychological contract notes that the psychological contract should be considered with social and emotional aspects of exchange. Although these three experts show different dimension of the psychological contract, they all suggest that firstly, psychological contract is a relationship between employers and employees. Secondly, beliefs, emotional factors or mutual obligations are included in such contract. Besides the importance of the definition of the psychological contract, in practice, it also shows its significance, especially in working conditions. Accords to David E. Guest (Guest DE, 1998:659), the psychological contract should be treated seriously due to its importance. To sum up, it may have three aspects of significance. Firstly, psychological contract can supply a potentially fruitful construct with which to make sense of and explore a new employment relationship and this new employment relationship means a more secure employment and the ubiquitous organizational career. At present, with the development of economic policy and permeated organization ideology , the employment relationship is received more attention than the industrial relationship which is common previously . herefore, the perfect psychological contract tend to build the relationship between employees and employers seems to help manager manage a company. Secondly, the psychological contract has ability to distribute the power. Specifically, inequity exist in employees and employers in term of power or wealth with the development of the economy a psychological may pay attention to the power inequalities in the new employment relationship. And under that situation, in seems difficult to renege the contract in one organization involved. Then at last, the gap of power or wealthy may be shrank Thirdly, with the psychological contract, employees and employers in a organization can understand each other easier because the contract is built by mutual, emotional factors and beliefs. In other words, the employees can know the employers’ requirements and try their best to satisfy them. Also the employers can give employees what they need (promotion, high wage, vacation etc). this can result in high efficient in the organization. However, even though numerous experts examine the psychological contract practically, and it really has several advantages in real word, with the change of the working relationship, the psychological contract in working condition is complicate. Problems should be considered either. As Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon conclude in their paper: The psychological contract: A critical review (Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon, 2006). There are three problems should be thought. The first one is that the contract currently is still be used mainly in theory but not in practice. Therefore, when employees and employers apply this contract to a real company, confusion may be emerge because the contract is too theoretical and is not appropriate fro usage in real word, especially the new changed world. The second one is that the goal of the psychological contract in terms of employees and employers cannot be always the same. In other words, mixed message and divergent expectations can emerge in such situation. Therefore it is difficult for employees and employers to make the same psychological contracts because they have different interest and purpose. Then lead to a failure in making suitable psychological contract. The third one is the violation of the psychological contract. Employees in one organization generally are in the subordinate position while the employers are in authority. Thus, the employers may easy to build and break the contract while the employees cannot. This, at last, can lead to trust crisis between the employers and employees. By concluding the importance and problems of the psychological contracts, it is still applicable in 21st century not only in theory but also in practice. In theory, maintain that the part of organizational behavior, diversity in opinions, and competing theories and models should be remained and use Rousseau and Tijoriwala’s qualitative and quantitative methods to develop the evaluation of the psychological contract, use Porter et al. ‘s (1996) contribution to assess the added value of the concept and adjust the redundancy of basic concept, use some models exist to solve the dynamics and effects of change in psychological contracts in the future. In practice, because the working condition is changed, so the psychological contracts should be changed either. Like the table 1 (Hiltrop, J. M, 1995, cited in Neil Anderson and Rene Schalk, 1998:642) shows in the essay: the psychological contract in retrospect and prospect. The psychological should be changed in the aspects of focus, format, underlying basis, employees’ and employer’s responsibility, contractual relations, career management in order to meet needs of the employment relationship rather than industrial relationship. Then, this can be applied in 21st century. In conclusion, psychological contract is complex in terms of theory and reality. Therefore, experts still need to do more research on this contract and emphasize on the usage of this contract in a changed new environment, if the theory of psychological contract is perfect and can be revised properly in practice, then it can be useful in 21st century. Reference 1. Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon (2006) The psychological contract: A critical review: International Journal of Management Reviews, doi: 10. 111/j. 1468-2370. 2006. 00123. x 2. David E. Guest (1998) Is the Psychological Contract Worth Taking Seriously? : Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 19, 649-664 3. Neil Anderson and Rene Schalk (1998) The Psychological Contract in Retrospect and Prospect: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 19, 637-647 4. business ball. The psychological contract. www. businessballs. com/psychological-contracts-theory. htm How to cite The Psychological Contract and Its Application, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey free essay sample

Lana Del Rey – the sad queen of Coney Island and Hollywood nostalgia, dropped her fifth studio album on the 21st of July, 2017. The album was titled â€Å"Lust For Life†, and there was much speculation after Del Rey released a promotional trailer for it on the 31st of March. The album has 16 songs from â€Å"Love† to â€Å"Get Free†. The album kicks off with â€Å"Love† – and it somehow comes as a pleasant surprise. If you are familiar with Del Rey’s work, you would know that almost all of her songs in the past have been about toxic relationships, drugs, sex and downright recklessness. In this song however, we hear Del Rey crooning about today’s youth and how they still hold on to a sense of wonder in this era of darkness. It is important to notice that Del Rey isn’t just singing about love but also self-love and how feelings of love and affection drive young people forward, even in the face of adversity. We will write a custom essay sample on Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Del Rey claims this song is dedicated exclusively to her fans. The next track is, Lust For Life† which features The Weeknd, is an interesting single which promotes the will to live. It has an interesting inspiration, however – Del Rey sings about the H of the Hollywood sign, which is a reference to the suicide of Peg Entwistle a young actress who leapt to her death from that very spot, in 1932. It is a reference too ‘dying young’ and the theme has further been derived from Billy Joel’s â€Å"Only The Good Die Young†. The song is very optimistic in it’s nature nonetheless as it speaks of living life to the fullest and is probably Del Rey’s brightest track to date. â€Å"13 Beaches† is the third track and it bears Del Rey’s trademark reflections and nostalgic vibes. Apparently, Del Rey had to search thirteen beaches to escape paparazzi! This has inspired the song and that scene has flawlessly been connected to Del Rey’s efforts to avoid a toxic relationship and her search for â€Å"something real† as far as relationships are concerned. The next track is my favourite and it is titled â€Å"Cherry†. It is a song about loss and dead dreams. Old fans of Del Rey will find it reminiscent of Del Rey’s cover of â€Å"Summer Wine† (which was originally sung by the great Nancy Sinatra). This song has gorgeous imagery (with pretty explicit lyrics), yet the very vibe of accepting everything with open arms, makes the lyrics all the more appealing. â€Å"White Mustang†, isthe fifth track whose accompanying music video is very interesting and diverges from Del Rey’s usual vintage themes and showcases a futuristic scene. The song is about loving a fellow artist, but also about accepting yourself first and not defining yourself solely on the basis of a relationship. It is the shortest track on the album and is fair on the ears. The sixth track â€Å"Summer Bummer† featuring A$AP Rocky and Playboi Carti, has faced a lot of flak from many fans on whether the rap portion of the song was necessary or not, as the song sounds pretty good without it as well. Considering how Del Rey’s previous work has heavily been influenced by hip-hop (especially Born To Die), it wasn’t a big surprise. â€Å"Groupie Love† (probably my least favourite track, featuring A$AP Rocky) is a slow, smooth, scintillating track that is easy on the ears. It isn’t Del Rey’s best track. â€Å"In My Feelings† is probably the best track on the album, simply for the fact that it is incredibly strong. Del Rey wields every ounce of her feminine strength in this song and its nothing like you’ve ever heard before. The lyrics show how Del Rey is incredibly self-aware and the amount of pride and self-respect in the song is endearing. The ninth track â€Å"Coachella – Woodstock In My Mind† is a very rich, soulful track, with a political background. Del Rey attends the Coachella music festival and while she is there, her mind wanders to the famous 1969 rock music festival, Woodstock. She is reminded of Woodstock as Coachella bears a similar energy and freedom. Yet, Del Rey is troubled too, for â€Å"tensions are rising over country lines†. She tries to give hope to everyone in the midst of chaotic scenarios, especially with the rising tensions with North Korea. She also muses about her contribution as an artist and although it could be as sm all as hoping, it still counts. â€Å"God Bless America – And All The Beautiful Woman In It† is a song that was inspired by the current state of women’s rights. Although Del Rey doesn’t consider herself a feminist, the lyrics are encouraging and strong. Del Rey very subtly, prays for the liberation of women in America and wishes that all women stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty. It is a very impressive track and a must-listen on the album. The gunshot sounds placed in the background work quite well with the music. The eleventh track â€Å"When The World Was At War Before We Just Kept Dancing† is another song that forces it’s listeners to think about the present scenario. At first, the title somehow gives the vibe of indifference, but the song makes it clear that it is anything but that. Del Rey wonders if it is the end of America or if it is the end of an era, due to the political scene in the United States. She cleverly uses imagery to denote themes like the British colonization(back in the 18th century), and the song demands that the truth be spoken out loud. Del Rey sings about having hope, which might lead to a happy ending and â€Å"dancing† has a very deep meaning to it. Back in the day, the Hippie movement arose promoting peace and love, which was in contrast with all the chaos happening across the globe like the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Del Rey clearly means that older generations have faced such adversaries too and if they have been able to emerge successful , so can the present one. â€Å"Beautiful People Beautiful Problems† is an amazing track which features the wonderful Stevie Nicks. It is a very thoughtful song which focuses on the realities of life and how it is quite easy to complain and very difficult to appreciate the little things in life. Del Rey and Stevie Nicks make a fabulous pair as both of them have iconic, mystic voices and paired with their writing, it makes for a very beautiful single. The thirteenth track is â€Å"Tomorrow Never Came† which features Sean Lennon. It is a sweet track that muses on the idea of being left by a loved one and references Bob Dylan’s 1969 song â€Å"Lay Lady Lay†. The theme of the song is very faintly similar to Del Rey’s famous song â€Å"Blue Jeans†. The fourteenth track is my favourite track after â€Å"Cherry† and it is titled â€Å"Heroin†. It is a very nostalgic song that references a lot of stuff from Topanga to Charles Manson. This track is probably the most ‘Lana-esque’ on the album as it has recurring themes of Hollywood, California and the glamour of it all. Del Rey always seems to find beauty in the darkest aspects and here she finds it on the shores of Topanga while crooning about the decay brought about by an actual drug, as well as fame. â€Å"Change† is a very simple and light track, yet powerful in it’s message. Del Rey speaks of changing times and her hope of accepting the change with open arms and her prayer to be more honest, faithful and capable in her relationships. She somehow knows that change is inevitable and nobody really knows when it shall strike but whenever it does, we need to accept it openly. The song shows just how much Del Rey has matured over the years as a seasoned artist. The last track which is â€Å"Get Free† treads the lines of choosing what she wants to feel and Del Rey decides that she wants to feel happy and thankful for all that she has. Del Rey apparently pays homage to Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston in this song as she is â€Å"..doin it for all of us, who never got the chance†, which probably references the two great singers who passed away too soon. The song, above all, is a journey away from the darker aspects of Del Rey’s life and into the lighter, more optimistic spectrum. This is Del Rey’s only album where she has featured other artists on different tracks and the change is somehow, oddly refreshing. Above all, Lust For Life lives up to it’s title as it is brimming with appreciation and knowledge. Del Rey taking control of her own life and setting limits and defining various aspects of her life, somehow adds a very bright tone to the considerably dark nature of her art. The album’s aesthetic is just like Del Rey promised it would be – optimistic and full of summer. Go listen.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Whats New in Hestia - Our Flagship Product - Free Material Design WordPress Theme

Things are changing fast in the WordPress themes market, and we are not the kind of company to stand in the back and just look on passively, so we have some exciting news as well!Two things: First, something you might have noticed, weve invited other theme authors ones whose work we know and admire to make their themes available to our customers (thats you!) as part of our standard membership programs. (More on the memberships here.)Apart from that, weve decided to put most of our efforts into developing our new flagship (and free) theme Hestia. Material Design  principles. This makes it easier for website owners to elegantly adapt it to all niches, screen sizes and purposes in a perfect visual harmony. Read  the inside story  behind Hestia for more details on how we created the theme.Hestia is a single-page design that weve made suitable for all creative businesses (startups, online agencies, small shops), as well as professionals and freelancers.Something thats very flatte ring to us, Hestia has already been featured among the top 10 most popular themes over at Perhaps its officially a successor to Zerif/Zelle Lite our previous top 10 most popular theme.Just to show you what you can do with Hestia, here are a few examples of live sites already running it:#Hashtag#Hashtag magazine for teenagersJelle SchuurmanJelle Schuurman design portfolioManzarManzar tattoo shop Weve got big plans for Hestia for sure! Heres everything you can expect once you download it (for free):Zelle  compatibilityWere focusing on making Hestia available to anyone, so weve first thought of our existing users who might wanna switch to using this theme.Thats why weve added migration settings from Zelle to Hestia (for both free and pro versions). This means that all websites using Zelle will have a smooth transition to the new theme, without any options being lost. Of course, Hestia respects the golden rules of WordPress themes: its responsive, SEO optimized, h as live customization and is coded with Occams razor in mind.Plugins + WooCommerce compatibilityHestia is compatible with the most popular plugins out there: bbPress, Yoast SEO, Jetpack, WP Super Cache, Gravity Forms, Easy Digital Downloads, Flat Parallax Slider, Photo Gallery and Travel Map, to mention just a few. Were aiming to make the theme friendly in every aspect, so it is also RTL compatible.You can easily build a shop in Hestia with WooCommerce, too. Check out the theme demo to see how elegantly products get listed in the theme. Elementor and Beaver Builder compatibilityOur focus now is making Hestia compatible with all the major page builder plugins in the market.Plugins such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, and others allow you to take your Hestia installation to whole another level and start creating custom layouts and complex page structures. This takes your single-page design and turns it into whatever you need it to be.If you havent experimented with any of the popular p age builder plugins yet, you really should. Theyre awesome. To get you started, you can check out our in-depth comparison of the options available out there.The ones we particularly recommend you to test with Hestia are: Elementor Page BuilderAuthor(s): Elementor Page Builder WordPress Page Builder Beaver BuilderAuthor(s): WordPress Page Builder Beaver Builder Starter contentSince WordPress 4.7,  themes can showcase theme-specific selections of content that serve as a starting point for setting up new sites.To better onboard new users, weve added starter content to Hestia, too.Import it, check out whats there, adjust and make the site yours. Simple. And fast.Selective refresh support For better user experience, weve added selective refresh in the Customizer for all theme options.Layout enhancementsThe new  Sidebar Layout option lets you easily change the layout of all standard pages and the blog. 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Were using this advantage to develop Hestia with the user in mind.Rodica Andronache, Theme Lead at ThemeIsleHeres what we plan on adding to the theme in the following months:1. Elementor and Beaver Builder pr edefined templatesWith the help of page builders, were transforming Hestia into a multipurpose theme that can easily be reshaped for any type of business. Our goal is to make this theme the ultimate solution for niches like tourism, e-commerce, magazine, fashion.2. New modules brought by the Companion PluginWere working on a new plugin (details in a recent Transparency Report) that will provide new Elementor and Beaver Builder modules for things like Woo Products, Woo Categories, and more. Download Hestia for Free Also, because the Hestia community is growing, weve created a Facebook group for members to share how theyve been tweaking the theme, possible issues theyve found, and to help others improve their websites. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Life Insurance

Insurance may be described as a hedge against life ¡Ã‚ ¦s uncertainties. To that end, it can never be taken too seriously. Every year, the person insuring himself bets that he will not be living another year and the insurer is betting that he will. If the person lives, and loses the bet, he pays the insurer a small premium; if he dies, the insurer pays the lump sum  ¡Ã‚ ¥jackpot ¡Ã‚ ¦ to the person ¡Ã‚ ¦s nominee. While the person taking up the policy has only one life to bet on, his insurer is playing the same game with millions of other people like him. Since the insurer ¡Ã‚ ¦s risk is spread, he can offer huge odds. Moreover, the insurer invests the premium he receives each year, and has employees (called Actuaries or Actuarial Officers) who calculate the odds on each policy based on mortality rates, the mortality experience of the insurer, and the return on investment which the insurer is likely to get. These in essence, form the framework of determining the premia paid by policy holders, and the returns expected from the policies. It is the Life Advisors of each company who are responsible for creating the relation between the insurer and the policy holder. He meets with the prospective policy holder, and in conjunction with him, determines which policy would best suit his needs. Indeed, it is through the Life Advisors that every Life Insurance Company manages to maintain a personal relationship with its clients. Life Insurance in India The Insurance Sector in India is one in which the entry of private players has only recently been permitted. Previously, this was a sector which was totally regulated by the Government, and its Public Sector Companies. A look at the above chart depicting the market - share of the various players will tell us that the majority of the market is still in the reins of the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This is not surprising given the extended monopoly period... Free Essays on Life Insurance Free Essays on Life Insurance Insurance may be described as a hedge against life ¡Ã‚ ¦s uncertainties. To that end, it can never be taken too seriously. Every year, the person insuring himself bets that he will not be living another year and the insurer is betting that he will. If the person lives, and loses the bet, he pays the insurer a small premium; if he dies, the insurer pays the lump sum  ¡Ã‚ ¥jackpot ¡Ã‚ ¦ to the person ¡Ã‚ ¦s nominee. While the person taking up the policy has only one life to bet on, his insurer is playing the same game with millions of other people like him. Since the insurer ¡Ã‚ ¦s risk is spread, he can offer huge odds. Moreover, the insurer invests the premium he receives each year, and has employees (called Actuaries or Actuarial Officers) who calculate the odds on each policy based on mortality rates, the mortality experience of the insurer, and the return on investment which the insurer is likely to get. These in essence, form the framework of determining the premia paid by policy holders, and the returns expected from the policies. It is the Life Advisors of each company who are responsible for creating the relation between the insurer and the policy holder. He meets with the prospective policy holder, and in conjunction with him, determines which policy would best suit his needs. Indeed, it is through the Life Advisors that every Life Insurance Company manages to maintain a personal relationship with its clients. Life Insurance in India The Insurance Sector in India is one in which the entry of private players has only recently been permitted. Previously, this was a sector which was totally regulated by the Government, and its Public Sector Companies. A look at the above chart depicting the market - share of the various players will tell us that the majority of the market is still in the reins of the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This is not surprising given the extended monopoly period...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review Poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Review Poster - Essay Example 1) Headline plus Logo: The poster starts with a headline followed by a picture of Chinese flag and then Logo on right. It was aimed to give readers at-a-glance understanding of theme or what the poster is all about. Giving logo was aimed to highlight the brand whilst forcing brand-conscious people to read through. The idea was put in place referring to other posters. 2) Introduction: Under introduction, I have tried to highlight Toyota’s distinct manufacturing philosophy and state-of-the-art technology that it has recently introduced in China. Secondly, comparing Toyota with GM, I have tried to shed light on Toyota’s progression pace all over the world. Toyota’s latest brands especially the hybrid car gives enough evidence of unmatched technology that Toyota possesses. The content was organized based on the philosophy that describes three main things that could get a human brain to click ON – i.e. Significance, Involvement and Intrigue, origination and its successful business journey – i.e. where they were, where they are & where they want to be. Information has been organized in a way that gives firm’s step-by-step development periods. 4) Toyota’s success factors in China: Having in mind the human psyche of first concentrating on visuals, colors, graphics, etc., success factors have been placed in centre with multi-color arrow signs, showing beautiful car images with a caption underneath and putting key highlights in red boxes. Failure factors show Toyota’s weakness in parts’ automation. 5) Toyota’s strategy in China: This part is intended to underline the strategies adopted by Toyota in China. The information, which was organized in chronological order, basically reveals Toyota’s success story in China. I understand development of my skills had started far before beginning of creation of the poster. Creating a poster was not only an art but was carrying multiple objectives along. The core of this activity was to gauge a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

El Nino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

El Nino - Essay Example The water undergoes precipitation processes that cause torrential rains resulting into floods in eastern areas such as Peru, US, and Chile. The events also result into prolonged droughts in western areas such as the Indonesia and the Philippines. The effects of El Nino are not only felt in countries bordering the Pacific, rather, they are felt all around the world. However, the main effects of this phenomenon are felt in the Americas. These effects result into losses worth millions of dollars and also claims human casualties. However, the effects of the El Nino have been greatly diminished as a result of early warning systems and design of buildings and structures that can withstand the effects of heavy floods. Still, more needs to be done to curtail El Nino’s effects, particularly those occurring due to floods. Governments in affected areas need to sensitize persons living on coastlines on the dangers of El Nino besides helping in evacuation efforts if need

Monday, November 18, 2019

Movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Movie Review Example This is because he tells Alexandria a story about five warriors who were on an epic quest, but continues only after Rose has stolen for him a morphine from one of the dispensaries. As the story continues it changes into reality as all the characters in the story are shown including Alexandria and Roy who are incorporated into the film. The outstanding character in this movie is Alexandria (Catinca Untaru) who is nine years old. She depicts the annoying balance between a hopeless girl and annoying child who misses a parent’s love. Alexandria is fascinating especially the way she struggles to understand Roy. Even though, the movie has many aspects, the most significant aspect of the film is the way the producer has managed to piece all different elements into one big world. The film is conceptually ambitious and stunning visually; it encourages the viewers to invest much interest and how the director managed to use dual narratives shows how he thought about very little details of the film. As the movie advances, the line between fiction and reality becomes thinner as the characters in the Roy’s story are interwoven into reality including Alexandria and Roy themselves. In connection to this, one of the main messages that the director is passing to the audience is that it is possible to create the reality virtually out of anything. In conclusion, since Interior architecture is a combination of the practice and study of architecture with interior design. The film is, therefore, relevant to the field in that the director has managed to piece different elements into one big reality. Looking at the movie it is visually attractive with background colors that are harmonious. In addition, the director has also managed to create a thin line between reality and fiction by integrating Roy and Alexandria into the story that that Roy was telling

Friday, November 15, 2019

Establishing a Case for Murder

Establishing a Case for Murder There is little doubt that Gharmi will be charged with Peter’s murder, unless any autopsy carried out shows that his death was completely unrelated to his ingestion of the rat poison. On the given facts this seems extremely unlikely. In order to establish a case for murder it is the responsibility of the prosecution to prove that Gharmi was in the correct state of mind (mens rea) when she placed the rat poison in Peter’s rice-baryani. For murder this is malice aforethought[1] either express or implied[2]. This can also be described as an intention to unlawfully kill the victim (express malice) or cause grievous bodily harm (implied malice). Grievous bodily harm is defined for these purposes as really serious harm[3]. In addition to this mental element the Crown must establish that Gharmi actually did the act which caused Peter’s death (actus reus), that is she placed the poison in the food – clearly a very simple process in this instance. Dependant upon the evidence available it may be the case that the Crown Prosecution Service does not feel that it will be possible to sustain a murder charge. In this case they may downgrade the charge to one of involuntary manslaughter. This would be the case if it was felt that Gharmi had not intended to kill or cause grievous bodily harm to Peter[4], but had simply intended to ‘injure, aggrieve or annoy’[5] him. For a charge of involuntary manslaughter to be possible, the act which causes[6] the death must be unlawful, meaning it must constitute a criminal offence[7]. There is little doubt the poisoning of Peter’s food and tea would constitute an unlawful act[8], regardless of Gharmi’s intentions, unless it can be shown that she intended no harm, which seems unlikely. Gharmi can only be guilty of involuntary manslaughter if it is thought by a jury that it would be inevitable to the reasonable person that her actions would pose the risk of at least some h arm to Peter[9]. It is important to note that it is irrelevant whether Peter’s death was caused by Gharmi’s poisoning of his food or his tea. Since it was possible for either to cause his death it is not necessary to draw a distinction between the two[10]. Involuntary manslaughter has been described as a homicide which occupies ‘the shifting sands between the uncertain †¦ definition of murder and the unsettled boundaries of excusable or accidental death’[11] and it is this uncertainty that Gharmi would need to rely on. Is it possible for a jury to be sure that she intended to kill Peter? Clearly the facts of the case are extremely relevant here, namely the amount of rat poison used and Gharmi’s knowledge of its possible effects. If convicted of manslaughter Gharmi may, at the discretion of the court, face up to life imprisonment[12]. If the Crown Prosecution Service intends to persist with the charge of murder against her Gharmi will need to consider whether she is a position to try to defend the charge in some way. The most likely defence available to Gharmi is that of voluntary manslaughter by provocation. The jury must be satisfied that Gharmi was ‘provoked (whether by things done or by things said or both together) to lose [her] self control’[13]. It is interesting to note that despite this being a defence the onus of proof is placed on the prosecution to demonstrate that there was not any provocation. The judge must make this clear to the jury[14] and should indicate to them any evidence that might indicate that provocation took place and therefore support the defence[15]. In essence whether this defence is available is purely a decision for the jury based on the evidence. Section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957 raises two questions which must be considered by the jury. The first is the subjective question of whether the Gharmi was provoked to lose her self-control by the things that Peter had said or done to her. In order for provocation to be considered it must be decided that Gharmi was so affected by Peter’s words and actions that she suffered a sudden loss of self-control so that she was ‘so subject to passion as to make [her] for the moment not the master of [her] mind’[16]. Clearly the longer the time between the provocation and the actions of the defendant the less likely it is that the provocation can be said to result in a sudden loss of control[17]. This is more likely to be considered to constitute a situation where the defendant simply exacts revenge on the victim for their actions, and this level of deliberation would be inconsistent with the defence of provocation. Whilst it is essential in order for the defence of provocation to be valid that the act of the defendant follows immediately upon the provoking acts of the victim, it is not essential that the victim’s last act is the only one that triggers the defendant’s actions[18]. This is clearly hugely relevant to Gharmi, in that she has suffered a level of abuse from Peter for the last two years. Since Gharmi has been involved in a series of abusive and violent arguments with Peter over time, the jury are far more likely to be asked to consider that this, on the face of it, relatively minor argument constitutes a ‘last straw’ for Gharmi[19] and that she suffered a loss of self-control following it. It is irrelevant for the purposes of the defence of provocation that Gharmi may have at this or any point in the past induced Peter with her comments, especially regarding Dhoop, to act in the way he did. Since section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957 does not expressly preclude circumstances where the defendant has induced an action or a reaction from the victim, which in return caused the defendant to lose control the defence of provocation must be put before the jury[20], as it would if the defendant had not caused any kind of provocation to the victim. It seems likely that Gharmi would meet the requirements of this subjective test, but in order to successfully plead provocation as a defence to murder she must also meet the requirements of the objective test in section 3. The jury must consider not only that the defendant lost their self-control, but also whether all of the things done or said as a provocation might have provoked the reasonable man to do as the defendant did[21]. The directions that would need to be given to a jury at this point are somewhat complex and would need very careful consideration. The jury must assess the level of provocation in relation to any particular peculiarities that the defendant might have[22]. If the defendant is of a particularly sensitive nature regarding some aspect, this must be taken into account when the jury are considering the level of provocation applied by the victim. When this has been assessed however, the jury must then weigh up the standard of the defendant’s self-control against that of the reasonable person, of the same sex and age of the defendant, exercising ordinary powers of self-control[23]. The jury can not take into account any of the defendant’s particular peculiarities when assessing whether they have exercised reasonable self-control. It is not necessary for the act which has been provoked to be in any way proportionate to the provocation, but the jury should consider this when deciding whether the reasonable man might have reacted in the same manner as the defendant[24]. What this means for Gharmi is that whilst a jury will take into account any personal traits that she might possess with regards to the level of provocation which might provoke a reaction from her, they will then need to decide whether a woman of the same age as her, with a normal level of self-control, might have acted in the same manner. They will take into consideration the level of abuse Gharmi has received from Peter and the period over which it has been received for the purposes of assessing whether it is of a serious enough nature to support the defence of provocation. Having done this they cannot take it into account further when deciding whether Gharmi acted reasonably, this must be assessed against the standard described above. There are one or two matters which may be of concern to the jury when considering provocation in relation to Gharmi’s killing of Peter. The first is that her reaction did not follow the provocation immediately. Gharmi spent time cooking Peter’s meal and, it may be considered, took time to plan her revenge in a controlled manner. The counter argument to this would of course be that Gharmi must have been aware that her actions would result in her arrest and in that circumstance it seems far more likely to have been a moment of loss of control on her part. It would seem unreasonable to think that she might prefer to kill Peter and leave her son without either parent, instead of exacting some other kind of revenge on him; such as leaving and marrying Dhoop. The other concern would be that her revenge, given the fact that the relationship was a tempestuous one, was not proportionate to the provocation. It has been mentioned that this does not need to be the case, but it is s omething that would be considered by a jury when deciding whether Gharmi’s reasonable counterpart would have acted in the same manner she did[25]. At this stage of their deliberations the jury cannot take into account any of Gharmi’s personal characteristics, such as the possibility that she might be more sensitive to Peter’s comments as a result of the length of time the abuse has continued for. They must simply say that if provoked would the reasonable woman of Gharmi’s age have reacted as she did. It is far less likely that a person who has not suffered sustained abuse would have reacted by killing Peter, but this is how Gharmi must be judged. If found guilty of murder Gharmi will face a mandatory life sentence, which means, for the type of murder she has committed, she will face a prison sentence of not less that fifteen years[26]. It has already been stated that if convicted of involuntary manslaughter she could also face a life sentence[27] there is however some discretion in sentencing. The same applies if Gharmi successfully pleads voluntary manslaughter through provocation[28]. The court will take into account the level of provocation, the time span between the provocation and the unlawful killing and the length of time that the provocation has taken place for. Clearly the less the provocation and the shorter its duration the longer the sentence that will be issued to the defendant, providing there are no other mitigating circumstances. The sentence range is from life imprisonment to no custodial sentence at all. It seems likely on the facts that Gharmi would face some kind of custodial sentence, but given the length of time the provocation continued for it, would be lessened from life, however it is recognised that actual physical violence or anticipated violence are considered a greater provocation than verbal abuse alone. On the given facts Gharmi did unlawfully kill Peter. If this was not intentional she may face a charge of manslaughter. In 1989, the last year for which figures are available, the number of indictments for homicide was 371 of which there were only 28 convictions for involuntary manslaughter as opposed to 131 for murder and 110 for other types of manslaughter[29]. With this in mind it seems, on the facts, that Gharmi is far more likely to be successful in a plea of manslaughter through provocation in order to reduce her conviction from murder than have it reduced to involuntary manslaughter by claiming that she did not intend to kill Peter. 2000 words Table of Cases A-G’s Reference (No. 4 of 1980) [1981] 2 All ER 617 A-G for Jersey v. Holley [2005] UKPC 23 DPP v. Camplin [1978] AC 705 Phillips v. R [1969] 2 AC 130 R v. Ahluwia [1993] Crim. LR 63 R v. Cascoe [1970] 2 All ER 833 R v. Church [1966] 1 QB 59 R v. Dias [2001] EWCA Crim 2986, R v. Kennedy [2005] 1 WLR 2159 et al R v. Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932 R v. Humphries [1994] 4 All ER 1009 R v. Inner South London Coroner, ex p Douglas-Williams [1999] 1 All ER 344 R v. Johnson [1989] 1 WLR 740 DPP v. Smith [1961] AC 290 R v. Stewart (Benjamin James) [1995] 4 All ER 999 R v. Taylor (1834) 2 Lew CC 215 R v. Thornton (Sara Elizabeth) (No.2) [1996] 2 All ER 1023 Woolmington v. DPP [1935] AC 462 Table of Legislation Criminal Justice Act 2003 Homicide Act 1957 Offences Against the Person Act 1861 Bibliography Allen, M. J., Elliott and Wood’s Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 8th Edition (2001), London: Sweet Maxwell Halsbury’s Laws of England, Criminal Law, Evidence and Procedure (Volume 11(1)) (2006 Reissue) Paragraphs – 92 – 101: Web Version Holton, R. and Shute, S., Self Control in the Modern Provocation Defence (2007), Oxford: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (27(1), 49 – 73) Office for National Statistics, Criminal Statistics for England and Wales (1998), Cm 4649 Ormerod, D., Smith and Hogan Criminal Law 12th Revised Edition, (2008), Oxford: Oxford University Press Ormerod, D., Smith and Hogan Criminal Law: Cases and Materials 9th Revised Edition, (2005), Oxford: Oxford University Press Reed, A., Jury Directions on Provocation (2006), Criminal Lawyer (158, 1 – 3) Sentencing Guidelines Council Guideline: Manslaughter by Reason of Provocation (2005) Slapper, G. and Kelly, D., The English Legal System 7th Edition (2004), London: Cavendish 1 Footnotes [1] Homicide Act 1957, s.1 [2] Woolmington v. DPP [1935] AC 462 [3] DPP v. Smith [1961] AC 290 [4] R v. Taylor (1834) 2 Lew CC 215 [5] Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s.24 [6] R v. Inner South London Coroner, ex p Douglas-Williams [1999] 1 All ER 344 [7] R v. Dias [2001] EWCA Crim 2986, R v. Kennedy [2005] 1 WLR 2159 et al [8] Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s.24 [9] R v. Church [1966] 1 QB 59 [10] A-G’s Reference (No. 4 of 1980) [1981] 2 All ER 617 [11] Hogan, ‘The Killing Ground: 1964 – 73’ [1974] Crim. L.R. 387,391 [12] Offences Against the Person Act 1861 s.5 [13] Homicide Act 1957 s.3 [14] R v. Cascoe [1970] 2 All ER 833 [15] R v. Stewart (Benjamin James) [1995] 4 All ER 999 [16] R v. Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932 [17] R v. Ahluwia [1993] Crim. LR 63 [18] R v. Humphries [1994] 4 All ER 1009 [19] R v. Thornton (Sara Elizabeth) (No.2) [1996] 2 All ER 1023 [20] R v. Johnson [1989] 1 WLR 740 [21] Homicide Act 1957 s.3 [22] DPP v. Camplin [1978] AC 705 [23] A-G for Jersey v. Holley [2005] UKPC 23 [24] Phillips v. R [1969] 2 AC 130 [25] Phillips v. R [1969] 2 AC 130 [26] Criminal Justice Act 2003 s.269 [27] Offences Against the Person Act 1861 s.5 [28] Sentencing Guidelines Council Guideline: Manslaughter by Reason of Provocation (2005) [29] Criminal Statistics for England and Wales Cm 4649 (1998)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Interrelation of Physical and Social Characteristics in Society :: Anthropology

Interrelation of Physical and Social Characteristics in Society Cultures on this planet are infinitely diverse and quite different from each other as well. Many of the customs and rituals that are practiced in the United States are diverse in nature as well, but are similar in more ways to each other than to cultures in other regions of the world. It seems that a great deal of a culture’s core stems from their surrounding environment, and the pressures that this puts on those trying to live there. A culture’s physical and social characteristics are interrelated, and play an important role in the development of a society and the personalities of the people. Marriage, jobs, and politics are all areas of a culture that are influenced by a person’s environment. In the U.S., monogamy is the â€Å"normal† structure of marriage, and is a logic choice considering the type of environment we live in. Independence training is emphasized to prepare people for obtaining the highest standard of living in the U.S. Being better than another is important in this society, and is stressed to most people from a very early age. Living away from one’s parents is not only expected but also often desired by both the child and the parents. Mobility is a huge factor in the work force, and the less one is â€Å"tied down† to, the easier it is to make the necessary transitions. In other societies, forms of marriage other than monogamy make more sense, and make life easier. For example, the !Kung San live together in small groups, in which everyone takes care of all the children, and much of life is not privately shielded from the group. Their openness and sharing of childcare and lifestyles is also portrayed in their food gathering activities. The villagers gather food and then distribute it to not only their own â€Å"nuclear† family, but to others as well. It would be too hard to survive on your own in this environment, so the group structure works well. Inheritance of lands and goods also plays an important role in the structuring of societies and families in other cultures outside of the U.S. Cultures such as the Inuit, Tibetans, and Marquesan Islanders of Polynesia, practice polyandry, the marriage of more than one man to a single woman. This is common for brothers who do not wish to divide up their father’s lands, so they will marry the same woman and both retain the entire estate.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Communication Studies Interal Assessment Essay

It is no secret that females are excelling in education and leadership at a faster rate than males. Our boys are being marginalized and girls are being considered more brilliant. This has personally grabbed my interest and consequently i have chosen to examine how well the GSAT prepares our males for high school level. For this Internal Assessment my attention will be centred on the extent to which the Grade Six Achievement Test prepares male students for academic progress and achieve in the future schools, and if the examination itself caters to their learning style. In the reflection of this assessment i will highlight some of the issues faced by males in preparation the GSAT and in the expository section of this i will discuss the issues and challenges brought out in the story, thus all contributes in achieving the purpose. Education is related to my academic interest as personally it pains my heart to see how boys in the Rockfort area and even the society at large are being marginalized. Even now, I teach a math class of about 10 students and not one of them are mails. In the future by whatever means possible i would like to make a difference in that. Having had this experience I now would like to help to offer my time and skills in assisting males preparing for GSAT or any other examination as a work related interest. Having gone through the system and being a high achiever myself I know there is a lot I have to offer which will eventually help even my own development. In all that, the purpose of the topic is t let my readers and listeners know that there are weaknesses in the GSAT that are affecting our males. Preface The purpose of the reflection is ultimately to highlight the some of the weaknesses in the GSAT that are affecting our males. It will also show the lack of preparation on getting male students ready to sit the examination. It will further look at the limitations to the curriculum in meeting the learning styles of males. The Ministry of Education on a broad scale will be the target in this story of the poor performance of the boys. The GSAT curriculum developers also will be targeted as to the reason for the poor performance of boys in the examination; they being the ones to set the structure of the examination. The setting of the story will take place in the community of Rockfort (Kingston 2). This is inclusive of a school known as the Windward Road Primary and Junior High school. Characters in the Story will communicate mainly interpersonally, but there may also be intrapersonal communication and small group communication in its minority. The point I wish to bring across in this story is that, the GSAT is not doing enough for our boys. It doesn’t meet the requirements of some the males sitting the examination. Males are rather more practically inclined, and oral in their expression. These things are to be taking into consideration when making the GSAT curriculum. Thus my final point is the GSAT is unsophisticated.

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation

3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation 3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation 3 Cases of Erroneous Punctuation By Mark Nichol In each of the following examples, confusion about the role of the comma in conjunction with a conjunction results in incorrect inclusion, omission, or placement of punctuation. Discussion following each example explains the error, and a revision illustrates correct employment of punctuation. 1. The business recently acted on the recommendation, and early on in its transformation process, has already generated valuable time and money-saving efficiencies. Here, the writer is unclear about how to integrate a parenthetical phrase into a sentence. Without the insertion of â€Å"early on in its transformation process,† no internal punctuation is necessary in this sentence, so the first comma should follow, not precede and, which is not part of the parenthesis: â€Å"The business recently acted on the recommendation and, early on in its transformation process, has already generated valuable time and money-saving efficiencies.† 2. That debate could place everything on the table and, for that reason, significant tax reform in 2017 may prove challenging to achieve.   In this example, the introductory phrase of an independent clause is treated as a parenthetical phrase. Note, however, that what precedes and is a complete statement, and what follows the conjunction is another complete statement, so a comma should team up with and (in that order) to separate the two independent clauses, which would otherwise be separated into two sentences: â€Å"That debate could place everything on the table, and for that reason, significant tax reform in 2017 may prove challenging to achieve.† This doesn’t mean that â€Å"for that reason† cannot function as a parenthetical phrase, but in that case, a comma preceding and would still be required to separate the independent clauses, and two more commas would have to bracket the phrase. The suggested revision, however, reduces the number of commas. (Also, it is not incorrect to omit the comma following â€Å"for that reason† as an introductory phrase, but I recommend punctuating such phrases consistently to eliminate arbitrary inconsistency.) 3. The financial services industry has had a strong focus on data governance for more than a decade and, as a result, most firms have mature data classification and governance programs in place.   This sentence has the same fault as the one in the previous example, so again, simply shunt the first comma so that it precedes the conjunction: â€Å"The financial services industry has had a strong focus on data governance for more than a decade, and as a result, most firms have mature data classification and governance programs in place.† Another solution, besides dividing one sentence into two, is to replace the comma and and with a semicolon rather than a period: â€Å"The financial services industry has had a strong focus on data governance for more than a decade; as a result, most firms have mature data classification and governance programs in place.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of Phrases35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionKn- Words in English

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Anselm “Why God Became Man

Philosophical problems with Christ St. Anselm â€Å"Why God Became Man† First we must understand that Anselm believed that faith and reason are two sources of human knowledge. Faith must be that starting point in the search for truth. â€Å"For I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order that I may understand.† The concept of fittingness as a philosophical criterion basically states that if something makes so much sense and seems to be perfect, and cannot proved otherwise, then it is true. When we keep in mind the quote given to us, â€Å"If a thing must be and if can be, then it is.† Then we must also keep in mind the question presented to Anselm which is: For what reason or necessity did God become man and by his death restore life to the world, when he could have done this through any other person, or by sheer act of will? The reply to this question is, it was necessary for God to redeem man for his sins in the way he did. When we say necessary we mean it needed to be. So, if in fact man needed to be saved, then for Anselm it must have been done this way, according to the picture, for it is the best and most fitting way for God to have saved man. For Anselm the question for the nature of mans happiness, or eternal happiness with God, is illustrated in the picture or the scripture that is given to us. The picture is not only fitting for Anselm, but it is appropriate and above all it is perfect. If something is necessary, fitting, appropriate and perfect, then why not believed it. This concept proves that either by faith or not, the story has no imperfections and by reason we can conclude that God acted in the way he did, by become a Man-God and taking on the lowest form of human nature, born of a woman and died, because it was the best and most fitting way to save man from sin and reconcile man for debt the man could not repay. Furthermore, it would be unfitting for ... Free Essays on Anselm â€Å"Why God Became Man Free Essays on Anselm â€Å"Why God Became Man Philosophical problems with Christ St. Anselm â€Å"Why God Became Man† First we must understand that Anselm believed that faith and reason are two sources of human knowledge. Faith must be that starting point in the search for truth. â€Å"For I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order that I may understand.† The concept of fittingness as a philosophical criterion basically states that if something makes so much sense and seems to be perfect, and cannot proved otherwise, then it is true. When we keep in mind the quote given to us, â€Å"If a thing must be and if can be, then it is.† Then we must also keep in mind the question presented to Anselm which is: For what reason or necessity did God become man and by his death restore life to the world, when he could have done this through any other person, or by sheer act of will? The reply to this question is, it was necessary for God to redeem man for his sins in the way he did. When we say necessary we mean it needed to be. So, if in fact man needed to be saved, then for Anselm it must have been done this way, according to the picture, for it is the best and most fitting way for God to have saved man. For Anselm the question for the nature of mans happiness, or eternal happiness with God, is illustrated in the picture or the scripture that is given to us. The picture is not only fitting for Anselm, but it is appropriate and above all it is perfect. If something is necessary, fitting, appropriate and perfect, then why not believed it. This concept proves that either by faith or not, the story has no imperfections and by reason we can conclude that God acted in the way he did, by become a Man-God and taking on the lowest form of human nature, born of a woman and died, because it was the best and most fitting way to save man from sin and reconcile man for debt the man could not repay. Furthermore, it would be unfitting for ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Literary Forms in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes Essay

Literary Forms in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes - Essay Example The book of Job has numerous frames narrative that arises from the shifts in voice, perspective, language, and scene. The most outstanding of all is the frame narrator who tells the story of Job from the perspective of God’s eye. This is done through the prefacing of the book in Job 1:1 – 2:12, the introduction of most speeches in Job 3 – 42, and giving the conclusion in Job 42 from verse 7 to 17. The perspective of the omniscient narrator is written in prose form, and it stands together with a set of human speeches in Job chapter 3 to 42. It is also written in poetry, and it develops a sense of paradoxical juxtaposition between the human and divine views of Job’s sufferings. The differing sides of Job found on the two sections of the frame (reverent and silent) and the sporadic reaction in the poetic body emphasize the juxtaposition (Enns and Longman 242). The book of Job relies heavily on lament. This literary genre is expressed in the two plays of Job i n chapter 3, 29, 30, and 31. It is important to note that lament is an important characteristic of the Joban arguments. The formal characteristics of lament normally comprise an invocation, questions of reproach, a condemnation of enemies, an affirmation of confidence, assertion of innocence, a vow, hymnist blessings, and praise, recognition of divine response, a petition for help and a description, or complaint of suffering. Lamentations made by Job resemble the accusatory laments made in chapter 10, 13, and 23 of the book of Job (Perdue 94). The lamentations are even more clamorous in criticizing God for the unjust maltreatment of an innocent and just person. In addition, from the lamentation made by Job, there are no prospects for future redemption but only the ultimate outcome of eternal death. The political role of lamentations in that period was to merge the nation as one people who relied on the divine salvation through the monarchy. Lamentations also created an outlet throug h which defeat and difficulties disappointments would be expressed. However, lamentations by Job are generally accusations against God’s justice and an attempt to bring down the conceptual model of the temple’s function in effecting divine redemption. With the denial of God’s justice, this priestly spirituality collapsed (Perdue 95). In the book of Job, dialogue is the most important literary form, and in this case, it is an argument resulting to a heated debate. Job’s passionate attack on his opponents entails ridicule and show of direct allegations of fear and foolish reliance on a disproven hermeneutic of vengeance. Job blames them of senselessly defending the justice of God who abuses the righteous and his creation. The opponents refuse to give in to Job’s accusations and argue that Job must have done something bad that resulted to his suffering. From their arguments, it is very clear that the victim (Job) deserves whatever suffering he is goin g through (Perdue 95). The book of Job expresses a bold stroke in attaining the support of a significant number of exiles, that is, the manner in which we would be ready for a new sociopolitical certainty to come into existence. The book was not just based on theological debate or a theoretical explanation of the issues of innocent

Friday, November 1, 2019

Market Models Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market Models - Assignment Example Although there are numerous firms in the semiconductor chip making business line, their products are differentiated by some firm-specific variables that create substitutability in the market. On the same note, each firm adopts its own pricing policies, thereby practicing independence from the others. However, Intel Corporation and all other firms in this market model cannot compete on price basis. Rather, intensive advertising is a prominently employed competition strategy (Taylor & Weerapana, 2009). Market share in monopolistic competition is accessed by all operating firms. The substitutability of products makes firm to become price cautious, although they cannot necessarily compete on price basis. Firms can also enter and leave the market relatively easy, making new entrants pose operational threats to existing firms in terms of competition. Technological improvements make it possible for Intel to come up with new and improved product brands, but this does not rule out the fact that rival firms could be doing the same and that new entrants could do it even better in the monopolistic competition market

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sweetener Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sweetener - Assignment Example In China people derived it from a grassy plant called â€Å"Saccharum†, in Hindustan Peninsula (India) from palm juice, in Canada from maple, in Poland from birch juice. The sugar that we know today came from India. It is believed that Indians some 3000 years ago invented sugar from cane. The Indians collected juice of cane, boiled it until the formation of brown crystalline grains. These grains in Sanskrit were called â€Å"sarkara†. The name sugar in different languages came from the original Sanskrit name. Thus, in Arabic – Sukkar, in Turkish – Seker, in Latin – saccharum, in Italian – zucchero, in German – Zucker, in Russian – Skhar, and in English – Sugar. In 327 B.C. the warriors of Alexander the great entered the Indian land. Their attention was attracted to the strange white colored solid material with a sweet taste. Onisikrit, the Greek historian of that time, who accompanied Alexander the great, wrote about the fact that in India; a cane produces honey without bees. Seventh century Arab expansion revealed Indian recipe of sugar production. Arabs brought the sugar cane from India and began to cultivate in Middle East. Arab established sugar production in North America and Spain as their expansion spread. West Europeans came to know about sugar during 11th century Crusade. Later West European trade with the East introduced sugar to the Europeans. Sugar was an extraordinarily expensive product at that time. For example, in 1319 in London, in today’s currency it cost $ 100 for one kilogram. In the 15th century sugarcane made its voyage to the New world, thus becoming one of few plants that came from Europe to America. It is recorded that in 1493, Columbus took sugar cane plants to grow in the Caribbean, and thus established a whole period of sugarcane plantation network. Caribbean islands became a real paradise for Indian sugarcane. Plantation supporting required a lot of workers. This also established export of 900,000 slaves from Africa during 1701 to 1810 just to support plantations in Jamaican and Barbados. Massive sugarcane plantation resulted power struggle among leading world powers of that time to take control of West Indies. In 1674, the Netherlands surrendered New York (at that time was called New Amsterdam) to England in exchange of sugar plant ownership in Suriname. In a 1673, France was ready to leave Canada to the UK in exchange for the return of Guadeloupe. Necessity is the mother of invention, and it dictated to find an alternative of expensive sugarcane â€Å"sugar† in Western Europe. Way back in 1575, French botanist Oliver de Serres tried to draw attention to the high sugar content in sugar beet, however, only in 1747, German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf managed to extract sugar from sugar beets. He presented a report about this discovery to the Berlin Academy of Science. During the life of Marggraf, his discovery did not get the ne cessary attention. In 1786, Charl Achard, French by birth, one of Marggraf’ student initiated agricultural experimental work of cultivation near Berlin. His goal was to learn how to grow the most sugary beet that could be used for sugar production. In January 1799, Charl Achard presented the first significant sample of sugar beet that weighed about 4 kg to the Prussian king Frederick William III. In his explanatory note to the King, he mentioned that by replacing sugarcane â€Å"sugar† by sugar beet â€Å"sugar† the country would save a considerable amount of foreign currency and create jobs for the locals. In 1802, with help from the government, Charl Achard, built the first plant in the estate of Kunren of Prussia for the production of sugar from sugar

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bleak House Commentary Essay Example for Free

Bleak House Commentary Essay The following is an analysis of a passage from Charles Dickens novel, Bleak House, in which a bleak and dreary atmosphere is conveyed. The first thing that is mentioned by the narrator in the first paragraph of the passage is mud, and this plays a significant part in the depiction of a filthy, dirty environment. The beginning line, As much mud in the streetsand it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill uses hyperbole to suggest that the streets are so muddy that its almost like the beginning of the world, and it wouldnt be strange to see a dinosaur roaming around because of that. Also, the line Dogs, undistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their very blinkers is an exaggeration of how the streets are so dirty that one cannot tell the different between the mud and the dogs, and even horses are up to their eyes in it. This shows us just how much mud and grime there is, and how dirty everything is. Another aspect in this passage is the dreariness and the bleak environment. This is expressed in the line Foot-passengers, jostling one anothers umbrellas, in a general infection of ill temper, and losing their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud Firstly, the line jostling one anothers umbrellas suggests that the place is so overcrowded and uncomfortable that people are all bumping into each other, and that their ill temper is spread like a disease every time they come into contact, and it stirs in us a sense of claustrophobia because the people are all packed together. This adds to the implication that its a miserable and unpleasant place to be. Also, the fact that the foot-passengers are using umbrellas suggests that it is or has been raining, strengthening the general feeling of gloominess. Furthermore, the fact that the part of the line slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke) is written in parenthesis suggests the sarcastic voice of the narrator, that he is mocking the foot-passengers ill temper and derisively commenting on the cold and depressing atmosphere, and this in turn reinforces that very fact. The use of sibilance in slipping and sliding further increases the effect of the dismal environment. The following line, Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle with flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snowflakes gone into mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun is very effective in expressing how unpleasant the place is. The fact that the smoke is lowering down, instead of drifting upwards as it normally does, implies that the atmosphere is so oppressive that even smoke cant escape and is being pushed down. In addition, there is a personification of the soot and snow, as they have gone into mourning for the death of the sun. This could be an implication that the place is so gloomy and polluted that you can no longer see the sun, and that is why it has died, and is also why everything is black. This effectively intensifies the feeling of despair and dreariness that is hanging over the city, and the bleakness of the environment. The second paragraph of this passage concentrates mainly on fog and how it has been personified into a shadowy demon from which there is no escape. The first line of the second paragraph begins with Fog everywhere, and this alone is a very abrupt, aggressive statement that makes us feel, once again, slightly claustrophobic, as though there is fog pressing in all around us and that there is no escape from it. Subsequently, the lines Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by the firesides, and Fog cruelly pinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little prentice boy on deck are examples of how the fog is personified, and made to seem sinister, omnipresent, like an oppressor that takes pleasure in attacking weak, vulnerable people like ancient Greenwich pensioners and the shivering little prentice boy. Another very effectual line is Chance people on the bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky of fog, with fog all round them, as if they were up in a balloon, and hanging in the misty clouds. The use of the verb peeping is very interesting because it means the people are looking quickly or secretly over the bridges, and it creates a sense of nervousness and apprehension, as though the people are frightened of the fog, thus making the fog seem all the more threatening. In addition to this, the use of parapets may not be just a reference to the sides of the bridge, as it also makes us think of castles, and so people peeping over parapets makes it seem as though they are under siege or under attack from an army of fog, which goes back to the allusion that the fog attacks weak or vulnerable people. Furthermore, the last part of the line, as if they were up in a balloon, and hanging in the misty clouds conveys a sense of helplessness, because when youre in a balloon you have very limited control, and this has been used as a metaphor to suggest how the people have no control over the fog and that they are trapped by it. Once again, this creates the feeling of claustrophobia and makes it seem overwhelming as there is so much fog and theres no way out. The structure of these this passage is very interesting to note. The first paragraph is almost conversational, as though the narrator is describing to us the many events of the day, while the second paragraph suddenly switches to more somber, grave narrative of the fog, and this affects us and makes us feel uneasy of the fog. This is also partly because the passage is written in the present, and so it involves us, makes us feel as if we are there in the dreary environment. Additionally, the elongated syntax of the sentences mirrors the long, miserable day and the never-ending fog, and this intensifies the gloomy feeling we get from it. In conclusion, this passage from Bleak House uses many different techniques such as personification, hyperbole and tone of voice to effectively express the dirty and gloomy environment and the general feeling of misery and despair.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Last Samurai :: essays research papers

The Last Samurai-Scene 11 - 17   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The scene started off with a man by the name of Capt. Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise) laying on a floor wearing dirty garments and yelling out the name of a man that he had just killed before his capture. The Captain was captured during a fight between the Americans and the Japanese, but instead of killing the American, the Samurai leader Katsumoto (Ken Wantanobe) wanted him alive so that he could learn from his enemy’s ways. The Captain was staying in Katsumoto’s ex brother-in-law’s house with the now widowed young lady and her children. The lady was very un-accepting of the war hero at first, because he was the man who killed her husband, but as the story grew, she, along with the rest of her Buddhist tribe grew to like the American. As the American got stronger and was given more rights by their tribe, he started to learn the art of Japanese language and symbolism. While he was learning the semantics of another culture, I noticed that he had completely forgotten his ways as an American soldier and instead, took on the way of the Samurai. As the ways of the Samurai embodied him, he grew emotionally and spiritually enough to the point of complete change of being. He was now willing to fight for the Samurais, and although they did not have all the weapons that the Americans possessed, they did have much more structure of discipline and self control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The clip ends with the American apologizing to the young lady for the slaying of her husband. She accepts, and then tells him in Japanese that they ware each doing their duty, and that it was only karma that took her husband. I would have to say that it was the semantics of this Japanese culture that he was learning that intrigued me the most about this film. That is why I chose to tie in the concept of semantics with this movie clip, because its definition is very culturally-bound in a way that combines the study of words and meaning with the ways of the Japanese.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Semantics ties into this scene from its beginning when the Captain first gets a glance of how these natives speak, all the way though to the ways that they write and prepare for war. The Japanese had a very different way of structuring words than the American had ever seen, but as he started to take part in their teachings, the Captain started to be able to write and even speak in their native language.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

poe :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Edgar Allan Poe’s works, there are many similarities between them and his life. There are plenty similarities to find when only focusing on two of his stories, The Tell Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado. When paying close attention, it is easy to notice the similarities and differences between Poe‘s life and his stories..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first topic to be discussed will be the similarities between the two tales. In both of the stories the murderers knew the men that they killed. Also, in both stories the murderers hid the body of the victim. An important factor in a tale about murder, is that the killer has a motive to commit the crime. There are plenty of similarities between Poe’s stories, just as well, there are many differences between the tales also.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Along with comparisons, there are also many contrast between The Tell Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado. In The Tell Tale Heart the man killed out of insanity over the old man’s eye, but in The Cask of Amontillado, the narrator killed out of jealousy, â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.† In The Tell Tale Heart the narrator panicked and cut the body up in order to hide it, while the narrator in The Cask of Amontillado remains calm during and after the crime was committed. Another difference between them is that the narrator in â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† confessed to the crime out of guilt and insanity, â€Å"Villains!’ I shrieked, ’dissemble no more! I admit the deed!--tear up the planks!--here, here!--it is the beating of his hideous heart!† In The Cask of Amontillado the narrator is never caught. After looking at the differenceâ€⠄¢s between Poe’s work it is very entertaining to compare the stories to his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many of Poe’s stories and poems can be tied to events that have happened in his life. A lot of the hard times that he had had gone through in his life he used as motivation to write his poems and stories. For example the story â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† is thought of to be related to the consumption (aka tuberculosis), which took the life of many of the women he loved. In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† the dying old man good be seen as Poe’s adoptive father on his death bed, and how the old mans eye made the murderer uncomfortable could be an analogy for how Poe’s father made him feel uncomfortable because he knew that his father did not love him.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

British policies that have taken place since the end of the Second World War

In this essay I am going to be looking at British policies that have taken place since the end of the Second World War. The government have used a mixture of private and public welfare up until today; I am going to be looking into what ideologies influence the policies that have been put into place. Also throughout the essay I will explain how ideologies and policies have an effect on certain social groups in society. The term ideology is the ideas and beliefs of an individual or a group about how the world should be. There are lots of different political ideologies; the main two I will be looking into are Liberalism and social reformism. However both of these ideologies overlap with Marxist and conservative views which I will look at broadly. The first ideology I am going to look at is Social reformism also known as social democracy. This emerged from the late 1800’s and was set up from the trade unions and non conformist churches such as Methodist in Britain. This ideology has very strong values in helping and supporting people who are worse off than their selves. They believe that the government has a duty to look after the worse off in society, and they try to do this through the welfare state. They believe that democratic change is the way forward to succeeding in society, this usually means voting will be used to determine what changes are made. Social reformism believes that the government should interfere with the running of society and that the large industries should all is state owned. Another one of their ideas is for everyone to have equal opportunities, also a part of this is the belief that if you have a big income that you should be taxed according to this. Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial Policies This means that the rich will be getting taxed more than the poor which will mean the money will be put into the state to help the worse off, to help everyone become more equal and have equal chances in life. The second ideology I am going to look at is Liberalism which is the philosophy of john Locke, Adam smith and John Stuart Mill. This ideology mainly started in the 1600’s as a movement against the power of the monarchy however became more dominant in the 1800’s. The Liberalists stand for freedom and protection of people’s rights and equality between everyone. Liberalists believe that the government should have none or very little involvement with the running of society. This includes limiting the state owned businesses and government powers over industries. From a economics point of view Liberalism believes that we should have a free market and free enterprise over the world. They encourage free trade so much in order to move forward towards being a more successful capitalist society. Liberalism does not want the state involved in the economy ect, as they believe it works best without any political input from the government. However as the liberalists believe in the protection of human rights they accept input in policing, courts, and the military as these are provided to protect individuals. The next ideology I’m going to look briefly at is Marxism also known as socialism. Marxism was first introduced by Karl Marx who believed in having a classless society in the 1600’s. Marxists believed that there were two main groups who were relevant in making the economic system worked. He called them the Bourgeoisie who are the owners of industry, and the proletariat who are the working class.Ap World History Units 1-3 Study Guide The Marxist idea is that the owners of industry exploit the working class to make as much profit out of them as possible. The Marxists notice this and have a view that a revolution should take place which would let the working class rise against the ruling class. Marxists believed that the state should be fully involved in society such as owning industries, and have control over health care, housing and a good welfare system to ensure everyone has equal opportunities at having a good life and a good standard of living. The last ideology that was mainly used was conservatism which emerged at the time of the French revolution 1789. Conservatism has a very traditional approach and believes in maintaining the status quo or having very little slow change. This ideology believes that the class system in our society works. They believe that having an upper class, middle class and working class is a functional way to live. They believe that we should be able to help the poor but not too much that they get dependent on societies input into helping them. In 1939 was the beginning of World War 2, where Britain took place in one of the toughest wars known to history. The war affected everyone in the country as individuals, businesses and families. Neville Chamberlain was the Prime minister of Britain at the beginning of World War 2, however in 1940 Chamberlain decided to resign and Winston Churchill became Prime Minister. Post war governments throughout 1945-1975 steered the economy and all the political parties to continue and to further support the welfare state. This time is also known as the kaynesian and Beveridgian period. William Beveridge was a social reformist who was asked to carry out a a report which was released in 1942. He believed that the government should pay to provide basic welfare, and take responsibility for helping the unemployed and people in poverty. In his report he said that the government should be able to tackle the â€Å"5 evil giants† Which are Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. The Beveridge report is such an important part of history because the Beveridge report helped produce the welfare state. Kaynes was an economist which argued that in times of recessions the government should invest into the economic system to help create jobs for people. This would be a good idea because as people now have jobs they will then be able to pay their money slowly back into the economy. However when the economy is booming the government should be able to have the power to be able to slow down the economy by introducing more taxes, this is so people don’t demand more goods as this may lead to inflation. Around the time just after the war there were a lot of social reformist approaches. Firstly The National Health Service Act (1948) was introduced. This act was established to give people a right to a free health service and free medical treatment for everyone. However when this Act was first mentioned GP’s were not fond of the idea and didn’t want to join. However this Act has affected many people throughout Britain For years such as Working Class Families. This Act has given them the opportunity to have free health care where as they may not have been able to afford medical treatment before which means we as a country are saving more lives through the NHS. The next Act i am going to look at is the National Insurance Act (1946). At this stage when the Act was first introduced everyone had to pay into it (employer, employee, and the government) which entitles you to sick pay and a pension. The next Act was the Children’s Act (1948), this gave the government responsibilities for looking after children in Britain and having the main power for the Childs Protection . Throughout 1946-1948 housing Acts were also introduced to help people get a better living standard. Between 1950-1975 we currently had nationalised industries. This meant that the government owned most of the large industries such as Coal, gas and electric. Within this time period the government also decided to get rid of the Grammar schools which meant also scrapping the 11+ exam and introduce comprehensive schools, which was also a social reformist idea. However they did decide not to abolish private schools which meant this also had a sense of a conservative approach. This is because keeping the private schools is only keeping the class difference the same of if anything making the gap larger. In the late 1970’s family income support was introduced. This policy was pretty much the same as working tax credits however this meant that your income was supplemented to a good living standard. This was introduced to try and not let people get into the poverty cycle, people went through a means testing processes which the government believed was done very fairly and reached out to help a lot more people who were struggling or maybe not entitled to the original benefit. From 1979-1997 lots of changes were being made to society when the conservatives where in power. Margret Thatcher a conservative, re introduced a Liberalist approach into society. Even though Thatcher stood for the conservative party she introduced a lot of Liberalist ideas into the policies between 1979 and 1997. This idea of a new liberalist approach was known as The New Right. Thatcher believed that the state was being used too much and was too involved in people’s lives. This era is known as the welfare break up, as Margret Thatcher was very Anti welfare state and in favour for lowering the income tax. Thatcher decided to start De nationalising industries because she believed they were inefficient and there were way too many people employed. The railway, coal, BT and parts of the NHS were a few industries which where effected who were put into the hands of the private sector rather than the government meaning a lot of people loosing their jobs which is also a Liberalist approach. At this time the conservatives also tried to cut the welfare benefits; however did not successes with this due to the government worrying about riots because unemployment was at its highest at 4million which would leave a lot of people fending for them selves. However slight changes were made to the welfare system where they cut 16-18 year olds being able to get welfare benefits. This was because they wanted too push teenagers to go and get a job or go into education, this is where the government intruded the youth training system to help young people. In 1997 Labour won the election by a landslide victory making Tony Blaire MP. In the 1980’s before Labour were elected socialists argued with social reformists within the labour party. This made some of the MP’s leave the labour party who chose to create a social democrat party, which has now formed into the Liberal democrat party. He also decided to change the name to ‘New Labour’ as apposed to ‘Old Labour’ as they had removed some of their socialist ideology. They came up with an idea of a ‘third way approach’, this meant that they were able to take bits of ideologies and put them together to win votes. One example of this is labour not changing some of the privatisation of the NHS which would win over voters from more of a conservative background. Through 1997-2010 there were lots of policies introduced by the Labour government. Some of the policies took a very Liberalist approach and some took a Social reformism approach. I am firstly going to look at the policies which were introduced by social reformism under Labour government. The first Policy i am going to look at is the National Minimum wage. This was introduced so that people were able to only sell their labour for a good standard amount of money. This is also to helps people (especially working class) not to fall into poverty as they will be guaranteed a ‘liveable’ wage. The minimum wage has changed since it was first brought in, as the minimum wage now stands at ?6. 08 for workers over the age of 21. Also to be re introduced was Working family tax credits, which Labour increased the amount of money people where able to get to supplement their income which reached out to working class families to help them have a better standard of living. The government were also very fond of trying to tackle child poverty. They did this by injecting money in to schools in low income areas to help the children get a better education in that area, and also supplying children with after school clubs and breakfast clubs to help families struggling financially. Another major policy brought in by Labour is Job seekers allowance. This was introduced to help people get back into work and to support them financially whilst doing so. Most of these policies introduced by social reformism under Labour government are there to help families with low income living in low income areas. Labour also had policies which were introduced by Liberalism. Firstly Labour continued to slowly de nationalise industries and introduce agencies to run the government department. Therefore this Liberalist view is mostly advantaging the Upper/middle class. This is because if Labour are still privatising parts of the welfare state for example social care the working class are going to be unable to pay for these services due to low income. Gordon Brown was elected for Labour in 2007 where Britain fell into a economical crisis. He then went to nationalise the banks which meant the government had to buy shares or all parts of the banks to ensure they didn’t go under, which is a socialist idea. In 2010 the Coalition government came into power which consisted of the Liberal democrats and Conservatives. There aims for Britain are to be able to reduce government spending by cutting back on the welfare, education and local government services which is based on Liberalist Ideology. Up to the present day to day Britain is still struggling to get back on its feet after the recession however things are improving.