Monday, December 30, 2019

Valuables Traditions Rites of passage - 624 Words

In a BBC article, Dr. Janssen, a sociologist, asserts, â€Å"People thought rituals were fixed and never hanged but of course they do†¦they get reinterpreted all the time† (Smith-Spark). Unfortunately, the changes referred to in these quotes are for the worse. Almost all cultures have rites of passage that evolve over time, and these have become harmful to their culture and society. After establishing the difference between helpful and harmful rites of passage, it will be easy to see why they need to be changed. Once these factors have been analyzed, it will be obvious that rites of passage are culturally important, but those that have crossed the line of appropriateness should be modified to restore the benefits of these valuable traditions. Rites of passage that inspire positive change can lead to substantial benefits, and are necessary in our world. An example of a religious rite of passage that has major benefits is the Bar Mitzvah. In preparation for the ceremony, I learned to recite many prayers, how to read part of the Torah, and more about myself as a person and Jew. In this transition, the ceremony is not where the actual transition takes place, but the celebration of going through the change and the recitation of what one has learned and done in the process. Major transitions do not take place instantaneously, they gradually occur. Bar Mitzvahs are very beneficial rites of passage, because of how they evoke positive change from adolescent Jews who want to express theirShow MoreRelatedBreaking the Disney Spell2039 Words   |  9 Pagesaddresses many issues, including those of context, society, and alteration of plot. He accuses Walt Disney of attacking the literary tradition of the fairy tale (344). While many s cholars disagree with Zipes accusations, his essay makes very solid and well-presented points that he promptly backs with fact. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay The Insufficiency of Honesty - 621 Words

Stephen L. Carter links integrity and honesty. There are three constraints discussed in this essay. First, integrity does require a degree of moral reflectiveness. Second, Integrity may cause conflict that is must be resolved. It does not necessarily produce or protect interpersonal harmony. Third, a person who has integrity can be trusted. It does not avoid the restructuring of social structures and associations, because it leaves the matter to exercise of interpersonal authority. He states that one cannot have integrity without being honest but one can certainly be honest yet have little integrity. He also states that honesty can actually be used quite selfishly. In fact, there are key differences between honesty and integrity: Honesty†¦show more content†¦For example, a manager was taught his whole life that women arent as smart as men. So he gives his female employees tasks that he believes theyll be more apt to apply themselves. Although hes being true to his beliefs, he fails to take responsibility as an equitable manager and as a representative of his company. He is not a person of integrity although he is honest. Honesty without integrity can also lead to moral disasters. Well, honesty may be important but not sufficient for integrity. Integrity is both essential and significant. It is acceptable and one will agree with what Stephen L. Carter says about a person having honesty but not integrity. There are also some white lies present. Sometimes saying the truth or telling everything you know might hurt somebody. Harm may not be the intention but positively the effect. Carter also speaks of an â€Å"American Core† that has six values necessary for good character: Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, and citizenship. He believes that honesty is honored too highly which allows one to escape from responsibilities. Integrity does not permit easy escape. In Conclusion, absolving one’s self can be done out of self-interest. It could be just a matter of choice that the awareness of dishonesty and honesty both tie into integrity depending upon individual interpretations. We can agree thatShow MoreRelatedOver the Rainbow1681 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowing reflects the correct use of the colon? At the beginning of his essay â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: â€Å"discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.† At the beginning of his essay: â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,† Stephen L. 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The first is knowing right fromRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1045 Words   |  5 Pagesloyal to her after five years separated, and symbolized her as everything he values. Without Daisy, Gatsby’s life was incoherent. Both men displayed chivalry for their woman as their way to display their love for them. However, their ideology of honesty and love were only illusions that blinded Gatsby and Wilson. A flashback in chapter six describes Gatsby’s first kiss with Daisy. The kiss is a salient moment for Gatsby since he discovered his true love for Daisy. His heart beat faster and faster

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Psychological Contract and Its Application Free Essays

The Psychological Contract and its application The psychological contract and its application After the first descriptions and definitions of psychological contract 1960s, a great number of experts show their opinions on this topic and discuss with each other. The widely acknowledged definition of psychological contract may be in Michaei Armstrong’s book, the human resource management practice(10th Ed. 2006,cited in business ball):`†¦the employment relationship consist of a unique combination of beliefs held by an individual and his employer about what they expect of one another†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ In other words, it briefly means the relationship between employers and employees in terms of mutual expectations and beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on The Psychological Contract and Its Application or any similar topic only for you Order Now This essay aims to begin with giving different ideas on psychological contract from different dimensions, and then analyze the situation of such contract at present, at last, prospect the application of this contract in the 21st century. As a whole, there experts: Edgar Schein, DM Rousseau and KA Wade-Benzoni, PR Sparrow give their opinion respectively. As Schein (Schein, 1965, cited in business ball) states that the psychological contract is a relationship between all members in one organization by using an unwritten contract. This statement highlights the earlier ideas on the concept. Then, RousseauWade-Benzoni got other different opinions in the relationship between employers and employees . e (RousseauWade-Benzoni, 1994, cited in business ball) claims that psychological contracts means how different people in the same organization understand the promises and commitments. Later, Sparrow (PR Sparrow, 1999, cited in business ball) who notice the dynamic quality, social and emotional factors of the psychological contract notes that the psychological contract should be considered with social and emotional aspects of exchange. Although these three experts show different dimension of the psychological contract, they all suggest that firstly, psychological contract is a relationship between employers and employees. Secondly, beliefs, emotional factors or mutual obligations are included in such contract. Besides the importance of the definition of the psychological contract, in practice, it also shows its significance, especially in working conditions. Accords to David E. Guest (Guest DE, 1998:659), the psychological contract should be treated seriously due to its importance. To sum up, it may have three aspects of significance. Firstly, psychological contract can supply a potentially fruitful construct with which to make sense of and explore a new employment relationship and this new employment relationship means a more secure employment and the ubiquitous organizational career. At present, with the development of economic policy and permeated organization ideology , the employment relationship is received more attention than the industrial relationship which is common previously . herefore, the perfect psychological contract tend to build the relationship between employees and employers seems to help manager manage a company. Secondly, the psychological contract has ability to distribute the power. Specifically, inequity exist in employees and employers in term of power or wealth with the development of the economy a psychological may pay attention to the power inequalities in the new employment relationship. And under that situation, in seems difficult to renege the contract in one organization involved. Then at last, the gap of power or wealthy may be shrank Thirdly, with the psychological contract, employees and employers in a organization can understand each other easier because the contract is built by mutual, emotional factors and beliefs. In other words, the employees can know the employers’ requirements and try their best to satisfy them. Also the employers can give employees what they need (promotion, high wage, vacation etc). this can result in high efficient in the organization. However, even though numerous experts examine the psychological contract practically, and it really has several advantages in real word, with the change of the working relationship, the psychological contract in working condition is complicate. Problems should be considered either. As Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon conclude in their paper: The psychological contract: A critical review (Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon, 2006). There are three problems should be thought. The first one is that the contract currently is still be used mainly in theory but not in practice. Therefore, when employees and employers apply this contract to a real company, confusion may be emerge because the contract is too theoretical and is not appropriate fro usage in real word, especially the new changed world. The second one is that the goal of the psychological contract in terms of employees and employers cannot be always the same. In other words, mixed message and divergent expectations can emerge in such situation. Therefore it is difficult for employees and employers to make the same psychological contracts because they have different interest and purpose. Then lead to a failure in making suitable psychological contract. The third one is the violation of the psychological contract. Employees in one organization generally are in the subordinate position while the employers are in authority. Thus, the employers may easy to build and break the contract while the employees cannot. This, at last, can lead to trust crisis between the employers and employees. By concluding the importance and problems of the psychological contracts, it is still applicable in 21st century not only in theory but also in practice. In theory, maintain that the part of organizational behavior, diversity in opinions, and competing theories and models should be remained and use Rousseau and Tijoriwala’s qualitative and quantitative methods to develop the evaluation of the psychological contract, use Porter et al. ‘s (1996) contribution to assess the added value of the concept and adjust the redundancy of basic concept, use some models exist to solve the dynamics and effects of change in psychological contracts in the future. In practice, because the working condition is changed, so the psychological contracts should be changed either. Like the table 1 (Hiltrop, J. M, 1995, cited in Neil Anderson and Rene Schalk, 1998:642) shows in the essay: the psychological contract in retrospect and prospect. The psychological should be changed in the aspects of focus, format, underlying basis, employees’ and employer’s responsibility, contractual relations, career management in order to meet needs of the employment relationship rather than industrial relationship. Then, this can be applied in 21st century. In conclusion, psychological contract is complex in terms of theory and reality. Therefore, experts still need to do more research on this contract and emphasize on the usage of this contract in a changed new environment, if the theory of psychological contract is perfect and can be revised properly in practice, then it can be useful in 21st century. Reference 1. Niall Cullinane and Tony Dundon (2006) The psychological contract: A critical review: International Journal of Management Reviews, doi: 10. 111/j. 1468-2370. 2006. 00123. x 2. David E. Guest (1998) Is the Psychological Contract Worth Taking Seriously? : Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 19, 649-664 3. Neil Anderson and Rene Schalk (1998) The Psychological Contract in Retrospect and Prospect: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 19, 637-647 4. business ball. The psychological contract. www. businessballs. com/psychological-contracts-theory. htm How to cite The Psychological Contract and Its Application, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey free essay sample

Lana Del Rey – the sad queen of Coney Island and Hollywood nostalgia, dropped her fifth studio album on the 21st of July, 2017. The album was titled â€Å"Lust For Life†, and there was much speculation after Del Rey released a promotional trailer for it on the 31st of March. The album has 16 songs from â€Å"Love† to â€Å"Get Free†. The album kicks off with â€Å"Love† – and it somehow comes as a pleasant surprise. If you are familiar with Del Rey’s work, you would know that almost all of her songs in the past have been about toxic relationships, drugs, sex and downright recklessness. In this song however, we hear Del Rey crooning about today’s youth and how they still hold on to a sense of wonder in this era of darkness. It is important to notice that Del Rey isn’t just singing about love but also self-love and how feelings of love and affection drive young people forward, even in the face of adversity. We will write a custom essay sample on Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Del Rey claims this song is dedicated exclusively to her fans. The next track is, Lust For Life† which features The Weeknd, is an interesting single which promotes the will to live. It has an interesting inspiration, however – Del Rey sings about the H of the Hollywood sign, which is a reference to the suicide of Peg Entwistle a young actress who leapt to her death from that very spot, in 1932. It is a reference too ‘dying young’ and the theme has further been derived from Billy Joel’s â€Å"Only The Good Die Young†. The song is very optimistic in it’s nature nonetheless as it speaks of living life to the fullest and is probably Del Rey’s brightest track to date. â€Å"13 Beaches† is the third track and it bears Del Rey’s trademark reflections and nostalgic vibes. Apparently, Del Rey had to search thirteen beaches to escape paparazzi! This has inspired the song and that scene has flawlessly been connected to Del Rey’s efforts to avoid a toxic relationship and her search for â€Å"something real† as far as relationships are concerned. The next track is my favourite and it is titled â€Å"Cherry†. It is a song about loss and dead dreams. Old fans of Del Rey will find it reminiscent of Del Rey’s cover of â€Å"Summer Wine† (which was originally sung by the great Nancy Sinatra). This song has gorgeous imagery (with pretty explicit lyrics), yet the very vibe of accepting everything with open arms, makes the lyrics all the more appealing. â€Å"White Mustang†, isthe fifth track whose accompanying music video is very interesting and diverges from Del Rey’s usual vintage themes and showcases a futuristic scene. The song is about loving a fellow artist, but also about accepting yourself first and not defining yourself solely on the basis of a relationship. It is the shortest track on the album and is fair on the ears. The sixth track â€Å"Summer Bummer† featuring A$AP Rocky and Playboi Carti, has faced a lot of flak from many fans on whether the rap portion of the song was necessary or not, as the song sounds pretty good without it as well. Considering how Del Rey’s previous work has heavily been influenced by hip-hop (especially Born To Die), it wasn’t a big surprise. â€Å"Groupie Love† (probably my least favourite track, featuring A$AP Rocky) is a slow, smooth, scintillating track that is easy on the ears. It isn’t Del Rey’s best track. â€Å"In My Feelings† is probably the best track on the album, simply for the fact that it is incredibly strong. Del Rey wields every ounce of her feminine strength in this song and its nothing like you’ve ever heard before. The lyrics show how Del Rey is incredibly self-aware and the amount of pride and self-respect in the song is endearing. The ninth track â€Å"Coachella – Woodstock In My Mind† is a very rich, soulful track, with a political background. Del Rey attends the Coachella music festival and while she is there, her mind wanders to the famous 1969 rock music festival, Woodstock. She is reminded of Woodstock as Coachella bears a similar energy and freedom. Yet, Del Rey is troubled too, for â€Å"tensions are rising over country lines†. She tries to give hope to everyone in the midst of chaotic scenarios, especially with the rising tensions with North Korea. She also muses about her contribution as an artist and although it could be as sm all as hoping, it still counts. â€Å"God Bless America – And All The Beautiful Woman In It† is a song that was inspired by the current state of women’s rights. Although Del Rey doesn’t consider herself a feminist, the lyrics are encouraging and strong. Del Rey very subtly, prays for the liberation of women in America and wishes that all women stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty. It is a very impressive track and a must-listen on the album. The gunshot sounds placed in the background work quite well with the music. The eleventh track â€Å"When The World Was At War Before We Just Kept Dancing† is another song that forces it’s listeners to think about the present scenario. At first, the title somehow gives the vibe of indifference, but the song makes it clear that it is anything but that. Del Rey wonders if it is the end of America or if it is the end of an era, due to the political scene in the United States. She cleverly uses imagery to denote themes like the British colonization(back in the 18th century), and the song demands that the truth be spoken out loud. Del Rey sings about having hope, which might lead to a happy ending and â€Å"dancing† has a very deep meaning to it. Back in the day, the Hippie movement arose promoting peace and love, which was in contrast with all the chaos happening across the globe like the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Del Rey clearly means that older generations have faced such adversaries too and if they have been able to emerge successful , so can the present one. â€Å"Beautiful People Beautiful Problems† is an amazing track which features the wonderful Stevie Nicks. It is a very thoughtful song which focuses on the realities of life and how it is quite easy to complain and very difficult to appreciate the little things in life. Del Rey and Stevie Nicks make a fabulous pair as both of them have iconic, mystic voices and paired with their writing, it makes for a very beautiful single. The thirteenth track is â€Å"Tomorrow Never Came† which features Sean Lennon. It is a sweet track that muses on the idea of being left by a loved one and references Bob Dylan’s 1969 song â€Å"Lay Lady Lay†. The theme of the song is very faintly similar to Del Rey’s famous song â€Å"Blue Jeans†. The fourteenth track is my favourite track after â€Å"Cherry† and it is titled â€Å"Heroin†. It is a very nostalgic song that references a lot of stuff from Topanga to Charles Manson. This track is probably the most ‘Lana-esque’ on the album as it has recurring themes of Hollywood, California and the glamour of it all. Del Rey always seems to find beauty in the darkest aspects and here she finds it on the shores of Topanga while crooning about the decay brought about by an actual drug, as well as fame. â€Å"Change† is a very simple and light track, yet powerful in it’s message. Del Rey speaks of changing times and her hope of accepting the change with open arms and her prayer to be more honest, faithful and capable in her relationships. She somehow knows that change is inevitable and nobody really knows when it shall strike but whenever it does, we need to accept it openly. The song shows just how much Del Rey has matured over the years as a seasoned artist. The last track which is â€Å"Get Free† treads the lines of choosing what she wants to feel and Del Rey decides that she wants to feel happy and thankful for all that she has. Del Rey apparently pays homage to Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston in this song as she is â€Å"..doin it for all of us, who never got the chance†, which probably references the two great singers who passed away too soon. The song, above all, is a journey away from the darker aspects of Del Rey’s life and into the lighter, more optimistic spectrum. This is Del Rey’s only album where she has featured other artists on different tracks and the change is somehow, oddly refreshing. Above all, Lust For Life lives up to it’s title as it is brimming with appreciation and knowledge. Del Rey taking control of her own life and setting limits and defining various aspects of her life, somehow adds a very bright tone to the considerably dark nature of her art. The album’s aesthetic is just like Del Rey promised it would be – optimistic and full of summer. Go listen.