Saturday, February 29, 2020

This assignment will consist of a critical and evaluative intellectual Essay

This assignment will consist of a critical and evaluative intellectual biography of a contemporary leading thinker - Essay Example Norton is a consultant as well as a speaker withregard to strategic performance management and a founder of Palladium group. The profession group mainly deals with performance measurement and management and before founding andbecoming the group’s director he engaged in Renaissance Solutions a consulting company he founded together with Robert Kaplan in 1992. The balanced scorecard aims at helping the development and management of strategy through focusing on the way key measures relate in tracking progress. In the paper Kaplan and Norton believe only adherence to quarterly financial returns and bottom line does not offer an organization the overall strategic view. However, the balanced scorecard goes beyond only the exploitation of financial measures through incorporation of three other essential perspectives. These other perspectives include customer perspective, internal business perspective and the learning or innovation perspective. Customer perspective addresses the way customers consider an organization while internal business perspective requires an organization to establish what is needed for it to excel; moreover, the innovation perspective addresses what is needed in an organization to improve and create value in future. Through evaluation of the present and offering indications of future drivers, the scorecard is capable of m easuring and motivating business performance (Kaplan& Norton, 1992). Kaplan and Norton published Strategy Maps, in this book they show that despite the increased significance of knowledge based assets, many organizations still focused on measuring short term financial performance. The book elaborates strategy as a notion by describing it in terms of its relationship referred to as strategy map. The book shows shifting trend from product-driven economy toward a knowledge economy values intangible assets in organizational performance. However, at the time of writing the book there was no literature offering

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Thr Gate Gourmet service company study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Thr Gate Gourmet service company study - Essay Example However incorporation of a foreign program in the operations scenario gives rise to different challenges and problems in place that need to be effectively administered to contribute to the overall gains. Herein this paper focuses on properly evaluating the parameter of utility of such software in rightly helping the company management and the stakeholders gain potential information relating to external environment changes and also in addressing the problems emerging thereof. The paper divided along potential sections would contribute in getting useful recommendations along several facets thus helping in the holistic development of the service enterprise, Gate Gourmet in effectively serving airline passengers. Contents Contents 3 Introduction 5 Discussion 5 Critical Determination of the Systems that Enable the Efficient use of Input Resources 5 The Input-Output Related Transformation Process 5 Process of Optimally Using the Available Resources 6 The Case of Gate Gourmet 7 Trade-Off an d Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet during the Process 8 Benefits and Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet in integrating Information Technology in Supply Chain 9 Benefits 9 Challenges 11 Recommendations for Enhanced Performance of Information Technology Driven Supply Chains 12 ERP Implementation and Challenges 13 Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet in the Implementation Phase of Organisation Wide Information Systems (ERP) 13 Addressing ERP Implementation Problems in Gate Gourmet 14 Tacit and Implicit Knowledge Use in Gate Gourmet 15 Case of Gate Gourmet 15 Conclusions and Recommendations 16 References 17 Introduction Gate Gourmet is a firm that works in the rendering of effective operations and services to airline passengers in the mode of rendering quality food and catering products. The company in the unison with other employee groups also renders other value addition services relating to cleansing, baggage checking, loading and unloading and other flight crew services. Gate Gourmet has effectively incorporated information technology to enhance the level of integration and competency involved in its functions and collaboration with other stakeholders like suppliers supplementing them with information relating to market and demand changes. The paper in this connection tends to evaluate the effectiveness of the information technology component rightly integrated and incorporated by the company in its service delivery network. Discussion Critical Determination of the Systems that Enable the Efficient use of Input Resources The Input-Output Related Transformation Process The Transformation Process related to the input-output system relates to the effective integration of different type of resources pertaining to human, financial and technological capital for the production of goods and services as needed outputs. The model for the Transformation Process used in Operations for effectively transforming inputs into effective outputs can be rendered as follows. Figure 1 Th e inputs segment of the Transformation Process tends to incorporate two types of resources like Transformed and the Transforming. Transformed resources are as such that get readily transformed to serve as outputs in the process while Transforming Resources are such that aid in the effective transformation of inputs into proper outputs. Herein the Transformation

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Position Paper on Institutional Research Board Requirment Essay

A Position Paper on Institutional Research Board Requirment - Essay Example Hence, the objective of this paper is to elaborate on the arguments for ethics review of undergraduate research and to present proofs for the educational repercussions of IRB evaluation of this research. There seem to be two rationales for this unforeseen exclusion. Primarily, a great deal of undergraduate research is carried out at small colleges that do not have IRBs. Only organizations that have federally subsidized research are officially mandated to have research with human subjects evaluated by an IRB, and several small colleges do not have federally subsidized research. Moreover, a number of undergraduate researches get away from IRB scrutiny on the basis of false argument that, since undergraduate research is above all educationally encouraged, IRB review is not necessary. There are some educators who believe that it’s merely student research and therefore is not regarded as real research. Reasonably, educators may believe that student research would not require to be subjected to a real assessment (ibid, 20). Undeniably, federal IRB directives exempt research that is performed as a regular component of the educational process. Nevertheless, Section 46.101 merely exempts research in which data can be gathered as section of the regular, day-to-day educational procedure, such as unspecified course assessments, course performance mechanisms, or attendance documents. Section 46.101 does not indicate that a review is needless if research is educationally encouraged or a student is carrying out the research. Such an argument is indefensible (Kallgren, 1996). However, these arguments seem to be the justification brought into play by others for not having undergraduate research subjected under IRB review. Subjects are threatens when student researchers are at the wheels. Student researchers are less capable to foresee possible ethical dilemmas; or, if a problem surfaces, they may