Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study of FX Market- Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Your are required to Write a report of Market FX Market. Answer: Introduction Foreign exchange market is a market place wherein various currencies of various countries are traded(Reitz, 2008). It is possible in this market to purchase, sell, exchange as well as speculate on each and every currency. There market consists of central banks, commercial companies, hedge funds, investment management firms, investors and retail forex brokers and so on being the largest market globally. Foreign exchange market also abbreviated as FX, provides for currency conversions for international trade and investment, with attractive characteristics so unique and attractive that various investors come in for optimizing their profits(Ang, 2010). The forex market is highly liquid due to the massive volume of trade as it covers large asset class globally. The scope of this report covers view regarding Australian dollars as against US dollars along with its outlook for a period for 3 to 6 months time. The currency values fluctuates against one another as there are interest rate diffe rences against Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and Federal Reserve (Fed) will impact value of currencies in open market activities. Thus, taking such various aspects into consideration a strategy for dealing in these currencies in accordance to market view is developed(Shuguang, 2007). Market View Foreign exchange market being highly liquid in nature there are multiple types of currencies that are traded. Trading strategy for Australian Dollar against US Dollar is determined by prices of the currencies in the market(Chaboud, 2014). There is a presence of a large number of traders from all world over in the currency market and it is open all throughout the day and 5 days a week apart from weekends. Due to the regular functioning of this market, it offers more opportunities compared to others. In the forex market leveraging is done in order to trade a currency against another. Central banks and Reserve banks acts as primary regulators for market participants. Forex markets are governed by macro-environmental forces and policy decisions, which acts as prime determining forces for currency fluctuations over a long term period(Melvin, 2009). In the short time duration demand and supply forces of currencies aids determine currency prices along with various other forces. A trader generally adopts leveraging strategy for bidding by predicting for and against the currency market for generating returns for customers. In case a AUD is expected to go downside from USD, then the currency is depreciated to hedge against the other and prevent losses and sometime make profits as well. The better a trader is able to trade a currency against another, more research and predictions are required for the same(Mancini, 2013). For selecting a suitable strategy for a short time period minor determinants of the market needs to be considered as view of the currency and sentiments prevailing in the market. Through such predictions it is possible to take advantage of the market. However, there are various risks associated in this type of market as well as they are exposed to global economies and trades. the foreign exchange market is not dominated by a single currency rather involves global network of brokers as well as computers from world over(Wyplosz, 2007). Central ba nks plays a dominant role in altering currency rates through exchanges of the world in open market activities. These alteration of currency rates often are not deterred for purposes of making profits rather than for the purpose of policy making. Foreign exchange markets are extremely competitive in nature as there are a multiple participants hence in case of spot trading brokers often has to take instant predictive decisions for customers. Traders being market participants bid for various prices accordingly to make profits for their customers(Serban, 2010). Speculative Strategy Trading of currency of AUD against those of USD has an immense role in the currency market. AUD against USD is one of the most traded currency pair amongst other traded pairs in forex market(Sermpinis, 2013). Hence, the currency is extremely liquid as against USD. Reserve Bank of Australia and Federal Reserve (Fed) fixes currency rates by intervening in the market. Australia being an exporter of commodities with democratic stable government further provides a tradable currency also US has a stable government along with economic policies. Trading strategy for price makers point of view in these currencies needs to be based on the strength of currencies against one another(Neely, 2009). AUD is expected to be strong against that of USD in the next 3 to 6 months period, there are no views that can support of suggests of any depreciation. Both the countries Central Banks are bent on making the currency strong as Australia trades in commodities and USA exports software to major countries g lobally. A trader while devising trading strategy for intra-day transactions can take minute deviation in prices whereas in case of deliveries better strategies can be devised(Hodrick, 2014). In case AUD depreciates against USD then a trader can purchase more of USD and then sell on consecutive periods at higher rates. In case USD 1 is available for AUD 1.30 and it is expected that AUD will depreciate further, then a trader can purchase say for example USD 20,000 contract on a certain date. After a period of 3 to 6 months when price if rises to AUD 1.35 against USD 1 then trader can sell it to make profits. The AUD 0.05 spread will be used by trader for bid-offer and increase in the bid will help trader make more profits for consumers. In case the reverse happens that USD 1 is available for AUD 1.25 then the trader will have to inform consumer regarding losses. Then consumer can decide whether he wants to hold on to the currency or sell at a loss(Menkhoff, 2012). In case the trader sees negat ive sentiments prevailing in the market then he can gradually sell some parts of the exchange that he purchased part by part and purchase at a lower rate for making profits later. In this case, trader will adopt strategy for minimizing of losses. Risks are numerous in these types of transactions as large volumes of currencies are involved and goes towards making of a decision. In case of losses there might be high amounts of money of customer that can be lost, while in cases of profits there can be large volumes of monetary benefits. Thus, while taking a decision in the currency market an adequate number of information needs to be assimilated and then subsequent views regarding the same has to be taken such that losses of customers can be minimized. A bid offer is generally assumed when a trader is certain regarding the views in the market that confirms depreciation of a currency. At various instances volumes in a particular currency generated might reflect falsified data which migh t not at all yield any benefits at the end. Trader has to consider various alternatives with trends and patterns prevailing in the market to ascertain correct position for customers. Conclusion Analysis of foreign exchange market allows an understanding regarding the trends and patterns prevailing in the market for various currencies. Due to immense trades prevailing in the market it is possible to take bid and purchase various options to make profits or recover losses. As AUD is relatively a strong currency against USD traders take hedge option to make more profits expecting AUD to depreciate further. Traders who are able to make more judgments prevailing in the international situation can bid fairly a rate that is adjusted to few cents. Depending upon future and option contracts available in the market such positions are taken. Further, if a broker has information that due to trade gaps or deficits USD will depreciate then they will more preferably take an option for USD purchasing more of AUD. In case of spot trading it is relatively easier as compared to that of trading in derivatives as contracts generally expire within the day or in a short span of time in case of del iveries. Traders opts for deliveries in case they visualize that the currency will make more profits in the time to come and sentiments supporting are similar in nature. Risks associated with spot trading is primarily holding costs associated with deliveries of currencies which might include large amounts of funds. Other potential risks are those that are experienced in the market in case predictions or directions are diverted in a separate way. References Ang, A. . 2010. Yield curve predictors of foreign exchange returns. Chaboud, A. P. 2014. Rise of the machines: Algorithmic trading in the foreign exchange market. The Journal of Finance, 2045-2084. Hodrick, R. 2014. The empirical evidence on the efficiency of forward and futures foreign exchange markets (Vol. 24). Routledge. Mancini, L. R. 2013. Liquidity in the foreign exchange market: Measurement, commonality, and risk premiums. . The Journal of Finance, 1805-1841. Melvin, M. . 2009. The crisis in the foreign exchange market. . 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